Why is Godot hated so much?

Why is Godot hated so much?

Attached: Godot Engine logo vertical color light.png (1024x1171, 46.35K)

Is it? I like it

I don't hate Godot, but Sonic Colors Ultimate showed that it's not even close to being production-ready for 3D games.

1. No console ports.
2. No games.
3. No Direct3D and Metal support.
4. No games.
5. Lack of tutorials and assets compared to Unity and Unreal Engine.
6. No games.


Blame Blind Squirrel Games for modifying Godot beyond recognition.

It's neat and very forward looking but it's not very mature and still has a way to go until it's a serious contender. The UI tools are dope af though.

Godot is SOVL
Unity is soulless
Simple as

>open source
>collects no data

Blackpill me on gamemaker. From my cursory fucking around It seems like the best choice for making my 2d rpg

This may sound paranoid but what is the possibility the sonic colors situation was done on purpose because either Sweeney or the Unity owners paid Sega to fuck it up on purpose?

It doesn't require a $20k PC.

i dont think youd have to pay sega to do that

100% schizo rambling. Sega was never good they just filled some of the void sony and nintendo couldn't reach.

If that was the case, they would have kept the Godot license and mentioned it in the original release. It took a backlash for Blind Squirrel Games to bother to comply with the MIT License.

You make a fair point.

Because its new and that's it. It's identical to the Unity shitbashing from a few years ago
>its bad because... it just is okay!?
Ask any of these retards what desirable and undesirable traits a game engine should have and you'll get crickets.

Godot really starts falling apart the further you get into a project. In terms of fragility, godot < unity < ue4. However godot is the nicest to make in because of its scripting language. Unity's C# is too static and the blueprints in UE4 become unreadable quickly. I turned to C++ in ue4 but I did not like 4 hour long compile times when you have to change something further up in the engine. I just wish godot's editor was extendable using its scripting language; that's a massive, massive oversight.

There a vid on this license shit? Just binged the whole unix/GNU BSD drama from decades ago.

Got anything discussing the merits of C# amd C++ like you just did but longer and dryer?

how the fuck did he make this? this is done in godot

>There a vid on this license shit?
It's not complicated. The UNIX/BSD drama was related to copyright infringement.

forgot pic

Attached: steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net.jpg (1024x769, 132.35K)

I made this in Godot, I think its alright.
Has the right of it I think. The thing is, indie devs shouldn't be trying to go too nuts with the engine anyway. I remember working in Unity and having to end up fighting the engine more than anything, looking at various plugins to do the stuff I wanted to do. Godot kinda makes it easy by telling you "nope can't do that it sucks" which makes the decision to move on very easy. Its weird. I recommend it to beginners but its clearly not a "professional" engine. That being said, most people don't need one so its fine.

Attached: 1625400087552.webm (1280x720, 2.11M)

looks neat, never would of thought to do 3D with the text graphics