Now I will buy your game

Now I will buy your game.

>inb4 incel outcast reee
married, children, cool job etc

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Attached: I KNEEL.webm (960x960, 1.53M)

what a great option, seriously.

>married, children, cool job etc
why do you lie on the internet?

I hate women

The problem is that the women in this have big booba

wtf but Any Forums told me japanese games are pozzed unlike western kinos

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Pretty sure one of the Samurai Warrior games has Yasuke the fake "samurai" in it, so yeah it is


1. where's the turn off males option?
2. what the fuck is samurai warriors?

Males fight in wars, especially during that time period. It's a dynasty warriors style game.

SW4 came out like 8 years ago, why is this shit getting spammed here today

Neat. Now where's the option to only have female characters and genderbend the famous males

Historicaly correct feudal japan

>Beat the shit out of em

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>crying about 'fake' historical characters who do blown out of proportion shit
>in a Warriors game

Real life needs this too.

Remember when it was considered unhealthy to live vicariously through video games?

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I bet you turn off women

Whites are just degens

okay this is a good one

Women: OFF
Gays: OFF
N-word inhibitors: OFF

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