This thing is a god send for working in the office

This thing is a god send for working in the office.

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Would be if I could get my hands on one

I love that it destroyed the UMPC market and set real prices.
I would buy one out respect BUT its still not available in Mexico.
Hell its not even available in the US.

So im going to buy a chinkshit one that comes with SteamOS for $300 or less.

It's never coming the will pretend there's a chip shortage forever

Chip shortage is over, fab/silicon shortage is not, TSMC became too good and everyone else was left behind, and the only one close is Samsung but their yields are total shit.

>playing video games in the office
but why
does your boss not come and check on you every so often

When china cuts the west off the stupidity of putting manufacturing there will be glorious

I'm the boss

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you're supposed to be working in the office bro
got free time? TALK TO PEOPLE
will you TRY to be normal instead of sinking into sperg-ism you stupid fuck

Get back to work wagie

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You are there to work not play around.

>tfw glownigger and can't bring my own devices to work

>tfw I was able to play MH Rise at 60 fps for my entire flight back from the UK
I love my deck

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Great for slow days.

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China doesn't have the technology to build fabs

back at my office we were supposed to at least appear busy at all times, we once got reprimanded for shooting the breeze on a slow day even though there was genuinely nothing to do

ever since we were sent home in march 2020 (guess they're still perfectly happy with lower employees using their own power and internet) i've been able to get away with plenty of video games though

Going from a 970 to a Steam Deck has been a straight upgrade. Love playing Elden Ring on lunch break. My terminal-consolefag brother who's never messed with a gaming PC before shit bricks when I showed him emulation on the Deck. Everybody I've let handle it has immediately asked how much it costs and then rage when they find out how long the wait would be if they reserved now.

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BASED but dust off your screen with a tissue or something bro.

You mean playing video games while you're supposed to be working. If you can get away with it though, good for you. I've got one reserved, but it's the high end model so I gotta wait.

how is the dpad on it? My switch lite has probably the worst ever

I actually quite like both it's placement and feel. It's squishy, which normally sounds like a bad thing to me, but for some reason I like it here.

Fucking love work from home. I play games like 80% of my shift.

there's nothing more pathetic than someone who pretends to work

just do your job and then leave without permission if you're done