Why is DOOM's story so convoluted? The Ancient Gods Part 2 really makes no sense

Why is DOOM's story so convoluted? The Ancient Gods Part 2 really makes no sense.

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They dropped the ball.

because every time some dweeb on the team had an idea about the "lore" the threw it into the game, which basically amounted to ripping off whatever they were currently watching/playing
Eternal is fun but they really shouldn't have tried to move beyond the basic flavor text. I don't give a fuck about the Night Sentinels. Stop trying to give Hell a backstory. No Doomguy should not be a cosmic force he's literally just some guy, fuck you.

The DLC killed the lore, Doomguy should not be killing angels, only fallen angels. There needed to be a supreme force of good somewhere. (Arguably VEGA to a degree but not really)

Also the whole thing where Satan is doomguy was also retarded

They needed some ebin tweest but also were constrained by a budget.

The angels/maykrs are demons, sort of.
>There needed to be a supreme force of good somewhere.
That's our boy the Slaya.

Also it's a bit silly to complain about the lore when it's clear it's a pileup of unreliable narrators and some yet unseen forces behind the scenes (the Mysterious Voice is not Davoth, for example). They can retcon shit to make it more sensible when they'll do the next Doom, there are enough hooks for that. The game is still fun.

Doom lore worked best in nuDoom 2016. You have a mostly played straight setting with some dark comedy bits, and then ONLY Doom Guy is an edgy 90's comic character. The moment you make the entire setting a schlocky 90's comic, you lose what made it special, and at absolute best you get a kind of fun throwback.

>ONLY Doom Guy is an edgy 90's comic character
UAC in 2016 is hilariously evil/incompetent if you bother to read the datapads and listen to holograms, the comedy was 100% still there.

love nu-DOOM but i have no clue.

Eternal isn't DOOM, it takes place after a "timeskip" because it's a different dimension.

NuDOOM 3 will take place as a sequel to 2016.

It's a direct sequel to DOOM, and the timeskip was supposed to be explained in a comic book. If they do nuD33m they'll probably make him wake up in a sarcophagus again and save some other Earth.

>this is your brain on ssg/siege mode

So I said. The dark comedy is there, with the tiered cult rank, "running enrages the demons" and "mortality challenged" in Eternal. But for the most part, the UAC, 2016 Hayden, the energy crisis, these are all meant to be taken at face value. And then the juxtaposition of Doomguy coming in like fucking Bugs Bunny and completely ignoring the tone and rules of the setting is what makes it work.

that's a weird way to cope

>That one level in the base game where they just dumped exposition on you and then threw you in a room with the boss.

how else could they have done the reveal that Doomguy (DOOM) is Doomguy (Doom)?

Cutscenes are skippable and reading lore is optional so...

Not going to lie, I play Arcade from time to time just to enjoy that Siege mode. The fucking thing can even headshot for double damage, meaning you can two-shot Barons lmao. I wonder if Destroyer Blade can headshot...

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I always figured Hayden wasn’t in on any of the intended comedy that comes about after the invasion starts, like he was the straight man before you even showed up and he just didn’t realize anyone was being basically hypnotized into the demon worship.

>actually caring about the story in fucking Doom

Go read a book, you sissy. Here's all you need to know when you play Doom:

>there demons
>they bad
>rip and tear

Because we can’t have a pissed off guy killing shit anymore.
There has to be seven layers of lore that makes no fucking sense so lil’ zoom can jerk off after watching a seven hour video essay

Why are you watching zoomers jerk off when you should be ripping and tearing?