Dont mind me, just fixed Dota 2

Dont mind me, just fixed Dota 2

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black kings wwa

>Mad that everyone buys it but him
Classic Herald player.

>remove bkb
>game is decided by whoever has the longest disables/stuns
>everybody and their mother builds a heaven's halberd instead to keep the enemy carry locked down as long as possible
nice fix fucko

How to make the game literally unplayable

BKB is what lets disables and stuns in dota take a long time without breaking the game.
>Witch doctor single-handedly make any hero with a channel non viable
>Zeus is the best DPS hero in the game
>Supports become stronger than carries. Carries get relegated to a building-destroying role only.
>Disruptor is an uncounterable GOD

holy fucking keyed
also remove all spell immunity abilities

Not OP but the issues you guys are describing are only issues if there are no options besides BKB. I think that's always been the issue. It's a game where item builds are supposed to matter but on a lot of carries you just mindlessly always build BKB. There should be other items to answer disables and there are supposed to be but none of them have ever been as good. It's why the game's history is non-stop buffing of linkens sphere and nerfing of BKB.

>89% winrate naix

>How to make the game literally unplayable
maybe revert back to dota 6 so you can actually play the fucking game without bkb
shards and talents are fucking retarded

BKB reliance was only worse the further back you go. What are you talking about? Nothing about shards and talents made BKB more present, if anything it did the opposite. No certain heroes can skip BKB because they can get some form of spell dodging/immunity from their shard or high level talents. It sounds like you genuinely have no fucking clue what you are talking about and are just ranting "New bad, old good."

But those exists. They're called lotus orb and aeon disk.

Aeon disk is for heroes that need to pull a combo off no matter what.
Lotus orb is for offlaners / pos 4
Linkens is for when there are really only 1 or 2 ability in the game that threaten you or if there is a targeted BKB piercing stun like fiends grip, primal roar, or doom.
BKB is the catch-all general magic immunity item which is mainly better on cores than supports but it's weak against BKB pierces.

I think your idea of needing even more alternatives is flawed. It ignores that there already is a magic/spell resistance item for basically every situation. BKB is also really good for the game's possible design space since it allows for stronger spells to exist.

And don't fall into the trap of thinking you have to buy BKB every game. In some games, it's absolutely a mistake and it's a skill test to not buy it.

>Literally all the heroes I said would be OP are pre 6
Disruptor would still be an uncounterable god. If they remove BKB they'll start playing him as a core to get his scepter and refresher combo ASAP, making him an unstoppable team fight menace.


> Nothing about shards and talents made BKB more present, if anything it did the opposite.
maybe open your fucking eyes you mongoloid

then it will be like that
>you need to buy the linken so you won't get endlessly stunned in the late game
>you need some hypothetical counterpart of pipe for physcarries to withstand mage damage to not die by few casts in the late game
>you need some HP/survivability item to be able to live in a fight more than 10 seconds in the late game
that's already 3 (THREE/III) items just to play the game, and deducting the mobility slot (like boots, or even boots + blink for someone like sven or lifestealer) you are only left with TWO (2/II) slots for actual damage or utility items
hear me out, i also fucking hate bkb meta and i want it to fade away, but practically i don't see how you can do that without like giving everyone just 3 slots more, which alone can fucking brake game in so much ways I can't even imagine

wouldn't it just make games extremely long since you cant breech as easily?

I don't think there is a "fix" for BKB as long as stuns and disables are as long as they are right now, especially if they're instant cast. They did try to fix it with status resistance or whatever that dumb stat was. I haven't played in few years but I remember they nerfed it to a ground (or perhaps removed) because in certain situations you could stack it so much that 5 second stuns would last less than a second.

Status resist is also just anti-skill bullshit. It actively punishes players for knowing how to chain stuns by throwing off their timings.

i miss 2014-2015 dota so much bros... even the ui, reborn fucking killed all the soul that dota had

>TFW current dota is the best it's even been and old niggers will forever be niggers

There a lot of spells, most even non-ultimates, that still work through BKB anyway

Status resist is in a fine place now because you can no longer stack it. Making it scale with Strength was the real retarded move. It's good as a tool for certain heroes to make them work. It makes SB actually able to function how he was always supposed to.

How about to learn to communicate your opinions and also explain them if you want to try and have a conversation.

it's best only if you played fucking LOL for your whole life
I'm not saying it's bad, it's just two different games, the dota today and dota 3-4-5 years ago