Umm yes we want a boss fight that makes people so bored and drop our game then we will complain about low sales

>Umm yes we want a boss fight that makes people so bored and drop our game then we will complain about low sales

Attached: file.png (640x360, 180.95K)

Time attacks were hell. Crouch in a dark hole over and over again waiting for the lucky run.


>he got filtered by shadow of the colossus of all games

terrible meme to defend a shitty game

It's incredibly easy for low iq retards to get filtered by SotC and Ico
>"""pointless""" horse riding sections and empty large world
>story that doesn't explain anything or make any sense
>why do I keep falling off the colossus shit game
Just a few of the braindead takes.

>awful controls
>boss rush: the game
>you have to wait a long time to climb some colossus because of their retarded A.I
>dude it's good because most people don't like or know this game so now I'm an epic cool hardcore gaymer XD

>include this boss
>cut the spider and phoenix

thanks ueda

You described every SotC boss. It's literally the first real cinematic game, down to shitty rule of third camera, cinema bars, cancerous post processing, auto healr egen, shit controls etc.

Don't forget the game breaking bug that appears 60% of the time that makes the boss unbeatable.

does it only occur with this boss?

Yes. It ruined most of my playthroughs to the point where I am sick of sotc.

maybe it's why this shitty boss doesn't lies back for me climb??
I have been stuck with fight and no matter how many times I provoke him and hide in those tunnels and sneak back, I can't have any chance of climbing him.
I'm playing the PS3 version
if all those hours I wasted because this bug I'm gonna uninstall this game for good

Yeah his ai bugs out and won't do the thing.

perhaps true but it is possible to get on him with well timed horse jumps. I know I figured out how to do it cause my young self was too retarded to figure out the "real" method.


>bad game design (except for falling off collosi)
>N-No, F-F-Filtered! it's not a boring movie game, it's simply a masterpiece far beyond your meagre comprehension abilities *tips fedora*

>games gets a lot of complaints about its mechanics and gameplay
>"noooooo people just aren't smart as me to pretend the flaws are features!!!!!*

How would that lower sales if they already bought the game

game rental was very common before PS360 era

This boss is so shitty I don't blame people if they drop the game this early on. Out of all the shit they cut from this game how did this make it in?

Yeah that's fair. Simpler times
Blockbuster near me turned into a pawn shop then was abandoned then turned into a different pawn shop

>got 2 re-releases and a remake


Shenmue was a total flop and got 2 games