Nintendo Direct confirmed

Nintendo Direct confirmed

June 9 at 2 PM PST

Attached: NintendoDirect_6922.png (797x444, 16.76K)

69 lol

Confirmed by whom? You? Don't make me laugh you fucking coward.

June 14

It'd be really fun if it were to happen after Summer Games Fest for some big event day, but I'm not sure if it'd happen that way. Doesn't Nintendo like to do their E3 presentations earlier in the day and then do Treehouse in the evenings/afternoons?

sure it is

Based and trans OP

OMG WHATS NEXT?????? 420???????? XD

OP is confirmed fake and gay
I know it's pride month but try to contain yourself

they are done with directs, user. all the new information and announcements done through tweets over the last couple months should have tipped you off.

Attached: arlo.png (1008x268, 262.55K)


Attached: 1654149094230.jpg (900x875, 106.4K)


confirmed where? I don't see this anywhere but Any Forums

its on nintendolife

your mom is on nintendolife

I love my mommy may

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-06 013657.png (1288x349, 268.06K)

You said that last year, and then we had a direct in February.

Is this pic rel faggot still dreaming of MP4?

Mario Party 4's a gamecube game I doubt it'll be one Switch


fuck you. I hate that Nintendo has been dead silent about an upcoming direct, there's no date to eagerly look forward to. and all you faggots were saying it's good that E3 is dead because. well what the fuck do we have now? nothing.