Why don't you like Elden Ring's OST? And don't say because it has a choir, that's not an argument

Why don't you like Elden Ring's OST? And don't say because it has a choir, that's not an argument.

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I don't have any strong feelings on it, no track stood out to me like in other Souls games save maybe the godskin duo theme and the very last theme for Radagon since it was just a soft redux of the main game theme. Otherwise I couldn't recall a single track from the entire game, was just pretty average and generic is all. Being 120 fucking hours to do a run and bosses will be what, 4-6 minute fights usually spaced between 2-3 hours of running around listening to overworld themes, you can't really expect a player to latch on to any music generally.

it has a choir. i dont have to justify shit.

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there's nothing memorable about it

Ohhhhhhh ahhhhhhh ohhhhhhh.... Ohhhhhhh aaaahhhhh ahhhhhhh ooooooohhhh.....
Oooohhhh uuuhhhh ahhhhh ohhhh ahhhhh...

So deep bro, so deep

Music tracks are usually fulfilling by themselves, having a start, a buildup to something and a crescendo. The problem since DS3 and ER is that the first phase is nothing BUT buildup (to nothing if you don't switch phase at the right time), and the second phase is nothing BUT crescendo (which outstays its welcome very quickly). So you get the worst of both worlds.

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i never said i didnt like it
i dont really pay attention to music in games

tries to be epic all the time instead of just when it should

it has a kwire

The main theme + Radagon version are so good I don’t why the rest is so mediocre. The main theme proves that the composer can do a good job so the rest being so meh is weird.

Much like half of the bosses in the game, I forgot half the music after I finished the game

None of it was memorable.
You remember
>Ornstein and Smough
Even Demons Souls had some memorable tracks (ruined by the remake)
>Tower Knight
>Maiden Astrea
>Father Gascogne
>Cleric Beast
>Mergo's Wetnurse

The only thing you might remember from Elden Ring is the title and Radagon

ER's soundtrack takes a more hollywood approach in it's composition in contrast to the rest of the series specially DS1.
Though the tracks are incredibly complex such as Godrick's and the godskin apostle's.

Because it doesn't give me feelings and memories which is 100% the game's fault and not the fault of me being dead inside, nope.

I like it more the second time around now that I can recognize the subtle leitmotiffs spread throughout the tracks

Soulless. It's not even to do with being orchestral or having a choir because other series like Fire Emblem has god tier tracks with those.

Mohgs and Rykards are also fantastic.

I remember Godfrey's themes and Lichdragon

its not exciting, energetic, or memorable

It's bland as fuck and bleeds into the background so much that my brain just filters out the entire thing. The only track I can semi recall is NI HIL!

don't remember any songs from it. i don't really pay attention to the ost much something needs to be really well done for me to notice it.


I like it a lot, the game is big and open world, it needs good ambiance tracks and that's what we got.

This basically.
The music is good in the moment but even boss tracks that should be memorable on their own are barely more than ambient environmental music. There's no punch to it or rather, there's no soul.

I just don't remember any of it. 90% of the time while playing I was hearing the overworld music and became numb to any changes in music. The music may have been goood, but it's implementation in the game itself was average or below.

Your post isn't memorable, sorry.

I don't remember anything from bloodborne.