Have they fixed the gameplay loop or is it still mine rocks to make equipment to mine rocks faster and then fly to...

Have they fixed the gameplay loop or is it still mine rocks to make equipment to mine rocks faster and then fly to another planet and then mine more rocks to make fuel so you can then fly your ship again

Attached: file.png (1024x1024, 1.14M)

What more do you want

an actual reason to explore that isn't busy work? handcrafted quests with tangible rewards and progression?

So a movie game?

>not using the power of capitalism to buy your way out of every single inconvenience?

Attached: YO.png (1024x1024, 1.55M)

is not your game
go play star citizen

Exploring for explorations sake is the reason. If you don't like it, go play something else.

but what is there to discover?

Ummm errr uhhhhhhhhhh ugh..... bro are different colored landscapes not enough for you?!?!

Cool screenshots.

Attached: BigPlantsScreenshot_1.png (1920x1080, 726.56K)

Nothing, but Nu-Male Sky redditfags will try to convince you otherwise

integrated mechanics and systems so that progress in one field benefits another and cross uitility in resources and a single currency.

This game is the biggest gaslight PR campaign ever made. I tried playing the game with a friend and we dropped it after a few hours. It's just the boring parts of minecraft but made even more tedious. There's also no real goal or enough freedom to do whatever you want because you always need to be mining resources. You can never free yourself from the grind, all you get is different colored landscapes and rocks with the occasional retard animal

Just buy what you need. The grind is minimal.

This entire game is just retarded. It will always be a subpar experience and not worthy of exploring. Planets do not orbit stars. There are no interstellar politics, or politics at all. There are no nations, no business entities. The procedural algorithm is not advanced enough to create worthy content. The animals and planets all look the same once you've seen a couple dozen of them. The story is the only thing it has, and that is finite.

On top of that, they introduced a Stargate system that makes what little exploration there could have been trivial.

I'm an agnostic atheist, I can't even be bothered to finish the game because it's only 20 hours. I'm so fucking sick of the bullshit and SJW propaganda these faggots shove down your throat.

>I'm so fucking sick of the bullshit and SJW propaganda these faggots shove down your throat.
what in the flying fuck are you talking about

Its a bunch of retards that never played the game shitting on it. That's who makes these threads. Always with the same OP images. If they were genuine maybe we'd get a cool NMS screenshot thread, but instead we get terrible shitposts.

It's basically minecraft-lite in space now. Want to chill and fly around and find planets with weird animals or colours and then build a base there? Have at it. It also does have at least some narrative now and way more stuff to do.

If you're looking for more than that you're not going to find it.

>movie game
what? He didn't say anything about a story-heavy game. just a game where you do more than collect resources to collect those same resources faster. Emergent gameplay can be fun, but usually if a human didn't explicitly come up with multiple questlines they quickly become samey and repetitive.