So is Tera 2 actually real because of the Nvidia leaks...

So is Tera 2 actually real because of the Nvidia leaks? What could a Tera 2 possibly add to save the franchise and correct their fuck ups?

I mean i guess RTX Elins will do the trick... but what else?

Attached: 690276 sample animal_ears bikini bunny_ears elin see_through swimsuits tera_online wet y.i._(lave2217).jpg (931x1500, 226.33K)

Elin brothels.

Not have their UI run on flash for starters
Not have shitawful performance or running on Unreal

Have their game actually run halfway decently and don't outright sabotage it in every way other than the setting, gameplay and races maybe.
Honestly, I'd jump on a TERA 2 if I so much as knew it had those going for it.

>TERA 2 Nvidia leaks

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What leaks?

>lives under rocks

Like a year ago or something Nvidia leaked a shit ton of games that were apparently tested using its GPU. Tera 2 was included. Since the Nvidia leak alot of games have been confirmed from that leak, so its looking likely to be true and Tera 2 might be a possibility. .

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It's sad how much time I actually put into that game for several years. I haven't found a single MMO that fills the void since then. I'd probably be right back into it if a sequel happens. But I thought they released that other game, Elyon, as a spiritual successor instead?


BAHAHAHAHA, lets just say a Tera 2 is there only hope at salvation right now.

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More and more shit is coming real on the list, so probably

Well here's hoping they use an actual engine.

>what else
pregnancy mechanic

big if true

Cashshop was greedy and egregious and was competing a market dominated by IP giants. Even competing with more niche games like BDO and Gw2, and non-mmos like that one korean hack and slash or whatever, forget what was called but it had a lot of hype around it even if it burned out fast.

Meanwhile, there was virtually no hype or talk about Elyon. The only place I heard of it was a friend group of mine notorious for playing shitty p2w games and dropping them a day later.

Elins become collectables, and you can breed them.

God, Elins are prime cunny.

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The sheer unadulterated seething from twitter will be funny, especially after they realize elinfags vastly outnumber them

>camel toe
>tiny body
>toe lines peaking out of the shoes
>skirt clearly too short
>high heels


For all that is good in the world Tera 2 needs to happen.

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If loli had thighs like that and wasn't max sticc I'd be totally on board.

Tera 2 comes out and it actually is good. Pve content is challenging and fun, and pvp is seemless and balanced, but Elin aren't playable

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But no one plays mmos anymore except shit like ffxiv or wow.