Reddit the DLC

I finally decided to play NV again and maybe I was too retarded in high school to see it but now it feels as if I was watching Rick and Morty playing this shit. The only redeemable part was the think tank for trying to capture the Mystery Science Theater 3000 vibe.

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>The only redeemable part was the think tank for trying to capture the Mystery Science Theater 3000 vibe.
literally the most reddit part

Yeah i agree even if i liked it when i was like 15. now it just feels extremely unfunny and a huge letdown. People like to champion the DLC for this game as being like the height of RPG add-ons and I used to feel that way but now I'm just really feeling embarrassed by the idea

>Dead Money has the best writing and characters but is sadistic and frustrating
>OWB is "when the narwhal bacons" jokes and a few funny locations
>Honest Hearts has one great character, some cool exploration, and then a lot of fetch quests and weirdo racism
>Lonesome Road has good level design but stars the biggest pseud in the history of Fallout

Nah, it's just at the time "it's reddit humor" and rick and morty were not things so you had no reason to contexualize them that way.
Instead you were either taking them on their own, or at worst thinking something like all the B-movie riffing is a little amusing, but this shit is taking forever to get places and I should've brought my own guns in because the ones here suck ass against these damn roboscorps.

fallout 3 dlc is honestly better.


OWB is fine, other than having an absurdly long and awkward info dump at the start. It takes all the best aspects of retro-future sci fi and turns it into a survival horror.

>inb4 roboscorpions are too hard
The DLC gives a dozen different flavors of weapons designed specifically to deal with robot enemies, and if you're still too stupid to manage with that you can just run away.

i have 100+ hours in new vegas but ive somehow never played any of the dlcs. are they worth it?

It's not Rick and Morty humor, it's a parody of 50s B-science. And while I understand it may feel similar to Rick and Morty humor, the difference is that this is an earnest use of ridiculous science to capture an entire decade's view of science, while things like Rick and Morty have "science jokes" so that people feel undeservingly smart about their retard level humor.

It’s got the best player home, god I wanted to fuck the light switch

theyre dirt cheap so yeah, even if i criticize them a lot theyre still fun and have some great loot

only good thing about OWB is christine's silenced rifle

God fucking damn you guys are drones these days, no fucking nuance to any of you.

Yes, they all have flaws but usually something great to offer.
Dead Money has the best story
Honest Hearts has the best character (and terminal entries)
Old War Blues has the best area
Lonesome Road has the best... challenge? Loot?

it seems like OP doesn't understand how something can be reddit...

The whole DLC is a call back to 1950s pulp sci-fi. There are a dozen references with the names of characters and what not. How the doctors act is pretty spot on for an insane 1950s era scientist, regressing to highschool tier feuds and their "PTSD" of getting bullied by R I T C H I E M A R C U S. You just got filtered.

Attached: 1950_ScienceNerds.png (640x427, 703.61K)

Fuck Richie and fuck that whore Betsy

You can hate the humor all you want but if you honestly think it's Rick and Morty and not this then you're just a massive idiot who genuinely thinks wacky scientists are a new phenomenon

Lonesome road has the best conclusion. Standing back to back with another courier, which is somehow some kind of doom slayer thing all of a sudden, against hordes of killface guys was fun.

The only bad part of OWB is the infinitely respawning enemies.

I don't know, I like Lonesome Road but there's nothing I like a lot about it. It's the one you're least likely to find a major flaw with I guess. People make fun of the writing, but some people really end up hating the other DLCs for various flaws.

Wow that's such an original take. I totally don't hear this mind-numbing shit every time the DLC is brought up.

doesnt matter if its original or not, doesnt matter if its riffing on b movie shit or weirdo scientists or whatever, its just not funny and people say its not funny because its dated as hell