Do i play pic related with a controller or mnk

do i play pic related with a controller or mnk

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Try both and see which you prefer.

either is fine doesnt really matter


Controller, and remember to play Catalyst too, it's a good game.

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M&K for accuracy, but it doesn't matter that much.

>remember to play Catalyst too, it's a good game
lmao even

Mirror's Edge is a glofified tech demo. It's janky and outdated.

Catalyst is 10x the game in terms of mechanics. Better soundtrack too, good graphics, neat setting, and while the story is nothing to write home about, it's better than the original game.
and you clearly didn't play it if you're still jacking off to the original when it's very dated in comparison.

Always funny to see people cry about Catalyst too, when no one playing it is the reason Mirror's Edge is dead as a franchise.

faith is CUTE!

Catalyst is bloated.

That is the shittest shilling for a bad game I've seen so far. Try better next time, catalystlet.

Wow, that's just pathetic.

>when no one playing it is the reason Mirror's Edge is dead as a franchise.
You dense contrarian motherfucker, no one played it because it's BAD, it was so BAD it killed Mirror's Edge entirely.
Shut the fuck up.

controller feels a little better for it imo

It's still a better game than the original in every metric.

Why would I "shill" for a dead game that no one played anyways? I just am defending a game I enjoyed.

I played the original Mirror's Edge like 20 times. It's a 3 hour game at best, less once you've played it enough times to know it like the back of your hand. Catalyst is simply a better game.

Mechanics / Gameplay:
Catalyst > ME1

Story / Worldbuilding:
Catalyst > ME1

Catalyst > ME1

Catalyst > ME1

Environments / Setting:
A tie, Some people prefer ME1 because it's more contemporary and less sci-fi. I personally like the sci-fi setting in Catalyst more.

Catalyst > ME1. Catalyst is at least 10x the length of the original, inb4 "muh bloat."

Overall Catalyst is the better game.

Why can't you defend your argument then? All of you nostalgia-goggles wearing faggots didn't even play Catalyst and you constantly bitch about it because you think "it's muh open world!"

No one played it because ME was already a niche game and was never popular in the first place. We're lucky we ever got any more media in that universe, but the real reason it failed is because expectations were too high for a game that was little known.

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thank you for the chuckle user

I used to be like you guys. I would shitpost about Catalyst because it was the common thing to do on Any Forums when it came out. I didn't even buy it when it came out because I listened to all the hate and vitriol from the shitposting here about how it was awful, how the open world sucked, etc.

Then I bought it for $5 on steam last year and actually played it and couldn't believe how wrong all of the contrarian assholes were about this game.

I'm not saying it's a 10/10, it's a flawed game with many faults, but it's still a good game in its own right and when you compare it to the original it simply completely improves on all the concepts that the original was going for. It's just indisputable to me, the movement mechanics alone in Catalyst are like a dream compared to the original game. When I go back and play the original now it's just very very janky and uncomfortable, which was fine for its time, it was one of the first games to have this first person parkour gameplay.

I know you don't care to read this essay, but I'm still writing it because I'm tired of all the disrespect Catalyst gets undeservedly. If you want to criticize the game, go ahead and criticize its actual flaws; the quest design, and the lack of things to do in the open world outside of the story, since the only other things are repeatable fetch quests and time trial runs, as well as finding collectibles. That's about all there is to do. The gridnodes too I suppose.

It could have been a much better game if the world was fleshed out more and there were more complicated things to do in the world you get to play in. Instead, every quest is just talk to NPC, get item and deliver it in a time period to another NPC. Rinse and repeat, it's boring and dull.

This is why Catalyst is still a 7/10 game, whereas the original is more like a 6/10.

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I can rest easy tonight knowing that you're simply b8ing and don't actually believe this.
Take this reply for your high effort.

I'm sorry, I don't know how to say this, user, but you have a terminal case of being wrong.

No, I proudly believe it and am right. You're the contrarian that has never even given Catalyst a chance and listened to the dipshits here formulate your opinion for you instead of forming your own.

I proudly form my own opinion based on my own experience playing both games extensively. You retards can't even conflate any criticism of Catalyst, you just parrot the same "LOL UR JOKING!" like the NPC robots you are

Keyboard is the only way. Also checkout the speedruns for Mirror's Edge 1

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