Racism against furries is... LE BAD

>racism against furries is... LE BAD

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>tfw no racist tomboy tsundere catgirl gf to call you Beroc scum

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Fire Emblem would be so much better with smaller maps and thus more replay value.

When they're hot like Lethe yes

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The only FE game that I feel has maps too large is FE4

if you have this game, sell it for $200-300
fire emblem fans are lol

>Laguz:stop discriminating us! Beorcs are all stupid bigots!
>Also Laguz: Isthat a half breed I smell! Fucking abomination get out of here! What’s that? You haven’t eaten in days and want some food? Fuck you!

Fucking furries.

The gay racist (would drink a pint with him)

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Laguz were made to be subjugated.

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playing this game for the first time. I'm on chapter 10 hard mode. Is Titania supposed to be killing 15 enemies a turn regularly

You see it's because god said if we started even one more race war, she'd nuke all life on the planet, and that would be bad.


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Is this your first FE? Shes the crutch character you should only be using as a shield/decoy so that she doesn't steal valuable, finite exp for other characters with better growths

Yes and also ignore the game telling you to spread exp around, just keep throwing her and Ike (and later on when you get her, Jill) at everything.

I feel all FEs maps get way too big halfway through and the early chapters are more fun because you don't have to worry about resetting an hour into them. I've only played 6+ though


Considering nonwhites' ancestors were originally the bastard halfbreeds hybrids of fallen angels and animals that slowly evened their genes out by continually fucking other humans, racism against fureies is good as we slowly spiritually return to Noah's degenerate time before the flood.

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Is there any black people in this game?

just watch out for those chompers

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this man wants you to stop using armored units

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But playing fast with Titania gets you bonus XP to train up your weaker units anyway.

Actual retard. Titania never stops being good. Better than feeding a bunch of EXP into Boyd or Mia and having them turn out shitty. Titania has comparable growths to other early game characters and she has guaranteed good bases.

Yeah but it gets away with it because there's only like 10 maps

>le EXP thief
Good bait man, here's a (you).


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Growth rates for Titania:Oscar
HP 80:55
Str 45:45
Mag 25:20
Skl 60:50
Spd 50:45
Lck 45:30
Def 40:35
Res 45:30
Even if you're a growthfag, Titania will be gaining more stats from level ups than Oscar on average.

Time to oppress the Subhumans with my rod of oppression.

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Soren based


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Sometimes I wonder if Tellius Echoes would be worth it. Lots of unfinished content they could flesh out, but at the same time I don't trust ISIS to do it justice.

RNJesus wasn't kind to me with her, she always turned out mediocre for me and Oscar usually turned out well.
True, I forgot that it was RD that kneecapped BEXP by only giving you three guaranteed stat increases in a lvl, not PoR. I hope you have some good unmounted units for chapter 14, Titania won't be able to keep up there.

Is it yours? Titania has better growths than almost all your characters. The only characters you can argue are better than her are Marcia and Jill because they can fly.