Stop doing this crap

Stop doing this crap

Attached: FTDayqIWQAMNLQH.jpg (2560x1958, 329.35K)

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what game

Stop being mad about imaginary problems you nonce.

I don't get it.

i'm the purple (female) body type

women only have like 3 variations of personality so it's fine

Attached: 1623063192556.webm (608x492, 642.52K)


Attached: red.png (1080x2134, 91.25K)

congratulations on picking the winning sex and then spec'ing into a waste of time

Funny thing is that males are natural outliers in comparison to females who tend to stray to averages.

When did they get a third?


This is by far the most retarded image I've ever seen made. Whoever made this and believes it should be rounded up and shot in the head effective immediately

>men are more likely to be retarded
>this is fine
>men are also more likely to be geniuses

>He doesnt' want a shortstack chubby gobbo wife

I don't, greenskins are subhuman

Stop posting this crap.

you drew that in 3 minutes?
you work fast user

>female side is titty bimbo, thick mom and short stack.

Attached: goharamus.png (1024x559, 685.79K)

>Used the cast of Steven universe for the female example but since pearls tits weren't big enough they decide to add bolt on titties
Fucking kek

Attached: MV5BYzI2YWMxMTctOWFkNS00ODM5LWEzYzAtZjkwMTMwZWNlY2MxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTIyNTk4MTU@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x563, 52.03K)


Patch 1.920

Shut the fuck up

The only way you can shut me up is if you ram your stinky cock down my femboy throat

That's literally just Steven Universe on the right.

Attached: 1644716800911.png (822x887, 400.24K)

Women offer northing over men other than their feminine physique??? WHOA!!!!

A woman should have taught you english.

>Women have good physiques
Umm no?

should of*