Why is this game dead? It's much better than the newer ones

Why is this game dead? It's much better than the newer ones.

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People didn't want to play with heroes, without heroes, with friendly fire, without friendly fire, with space battles, without space battles, etc., in short the playerbase diluted itself too soon.

The new one is also dead for the most part.

>disagreements on friendly fire
>disagreements on on core game mechanics?
Who the fuck actually believes this bullshit? Fuck you, user. When this game came and went, it was just a "good" Battlefield clone. We had no idea what was to come. The only reason original BF1 and 2 get such high praise is because how shitty the new ones are. It's retroactive pedestal pushing. No one wants to go back to these games because, despite the nostalgia, they are clunky and obsolete.

Netcode is still ass after 17 years.

no friendly fire, yes space battles. how is it so difficult?

>tfw no Insurgency-style star wars shooter with no power-ups or star card garbage
Truly the worst timeline

try the Squad mod

>People didn't want to play with heroes, without heroes
I hope you also remember that there were 24/7 mos eisley hero assault servers, and the rest was 24/7 deathmatch on the Death Star using 1-flag CTF as it had no time limit. You could turn heroes off when hosting a game

I want to buy it on steam for the online multiplayer, how large is the playerbase?

First one is better.

>join death star 24/7 server
>do the hangar room barrel glitch as the jetpack clone
>fly all the way to the spooky pyramids and hang out with other cool guys
Yep.... now THAT was a game.

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It's worse than the 2004 original

>Why is this game dead?
It's almost 20 years old?

>clone wars only
I was thinking more like a GCW or post-Endor (i.e mandalorian) shooter. Milsims have too much of the tism, especially those focusing solely on prequel content

The original was truer to the concept, but you can't deny the sheer fun factor of the 2nd.
>inb4 yes I can
No nigger you really can't, I'll slap the shit out of you if you do.

>booted from session about 7 times out of 10
I still did it for the cool guys

BF2 (2017) > BF1 (2004) > BF2 (2005) > BF1 (2015)

Fucking nerd. BattleFront 2 (the original) was fucking kino. It could've used custom classes and armors and additional squad command options, but even without that I had a blast with it. Galactic conquest was fantastic.

BF1 is better thanks to
>Better scaling, the maps were shrunken going from BF1 to BF2
>Multiple maps per planet
>No shitty rewards like the omnipresent blue and red haze
>Heroes aren't gamebreaking motherfuckers who can singlehandedly win the match in less than 30 seconds, are just really strong NPCs that roam around and kill whatever comes close
>Vehicle cockpits in first person view
>Aircraft on ground maps other than Snowspeeders
>Sides are somewhat better balanced while retaining distinct differences
>Kino era and faction-specific music that cuts in depending on how the battle is going but otherwise doesn't overstay its welcome
>Better map design, BF2 butchered old maps (Hoth, Geonosis, Kamino), introduced some new ones that really, really suck (Polis Massa, Tantive IV, Kashyyyk)
>BF2 removed neutral factions as a distinct battlefield force

>It’s been said that the 501st got the best of the war. We also got the worst. On Felucia, the Seps dug their metal heels into the muck and dared the Republic to come in after them. So we did, only to be met with the month after month of flesh-eating diseases, shrieking nocturnal predators, and other sights that haunt me to this day. Cut off and for all we knew abandoned by our superiors, our only hope was Aayla Secura, our Jedi commander. Without her iron will, none of us would have come out of that mess with our sanity, or our lives. When her death came, I hope it was quick. She earned that much. When the 501st was finally rotated out of Felucia, Aayla Secura made a point of seeing us off personally, calling us the bravest soldiers she had ever seen. It’s a good thing we were wearing helmets, because none of us could bear to look her in the eye.

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No Heroes
Yes Friendly Fire
No Space Battles
No Sprint or Rolling

>The only reason original BF1 and 2 get such high praise is because how shitty the new ones are. It's retroactive pedestal pushing.
Sure thing young man.

>Sides are somewhat better balanced while retaining distinct differences
>Faction specific music that cuts in depending on how the battle is going
Wish more games would be immersive like this. Pandemic was one of the GOATs.

You forgot to mention going prone.

>play single player campaign
>pretend I'm online with friends

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holy retard.

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OG BFII was the best selling star wars game of all time before the disney era

it's 17 years old.