This made boomers shit and cum their pants

>This made boomers shit and cum their pants

Attached: Planescape-torment-box.jpg (283x351, 24.86K)

Not really, it wasn't a success on release. PS:T built its cult following over the years.

Undying zombieman: like dude whats the purpose of life
Flying skullman: dunno chief, orange slices?


I've finally started to try to play this the other day, but put it on kind of a temporary hold because the skull got on my nerves within the first 10 minutes because I already lost count how many times he said "chief". mind you I'm 36, so yeah I remember the time when that was part of the lexicon whenever this game was released.

reminds me of Japanese made characters where they're just a low effort one dimensional parody of themselves

unironically yes
everyone touts war and peace as this crescendo of literature until they actually read it

TNO did nothing wrong

TTO did nothing wrong, TNO did a lot of bad shit in his previous lives for which he cannot atone enough

is that tides of numena or whatever any good


and why is that a no

It just is okay

>mfw I replayed the game 20 years later and it somehow hit me even harder

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What do you want me to tell you? The combat still isn't good, the writing is poor, story unremarkable, companions forgettable, character design is bad. Just play it if you don't believe me. It's on gog so it's free.

Did the nature of the man changed in the 20 years?


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slow and steady vs the overhyped fotm

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I've actually noticed these types of long tail sales and word of mouth spreading have effectively died out. Even niche and otherwise obscure games today really aren't, it just means that AAA obsessed mainstream hasn't noticed them.

Grace best girl

is 'the writing is bad' (and its horizontal partner 'badly designed') the most Any Forums-core criticism to pawn off on a game? There's never a reason why, it's
>because it just is, ok?
but completely unironically. Alright, random person on a mongolian basket weaving forum with no credentials whatsoever and no reason for anyone to assign any value to your opinion, the writing is bad.
Mind you I have never played whatever game you guys are talking about but I just wanted to point out what a cucked argument this is

>Game is about killing yourself
>Call the lady of pain a slut

Welp that was easy.

The writing is overly verbose and abuses adjectivation every chance it gets. Theres some 5 adjectives per sentence. That's why it's bad. It's not a void statement.

Kill yourself.

Aside from compounding upon the sins his life was extended to resolve, name 1 thing he actually did wrong.

Attached: 7-Torment_2011-01-30_20-54-03-43.png (640x480, 420.89K)

They became boomers first, Then later on they shat and came their pants.

Oh and also it abuses metaphors. Seriously there's one every two sentences everytime they're describing something.

holy based

Which is better? Planescape or Baldur's Gate?


Hey, that's actual criticism, good shit user. I hope you get my point though
