
Attached: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 Screenshot 2022.06.05 - (800x600, 472.14K)

>Masters of the Force
>Spend less time on combat training
Literally what the fuck do "Masters of the Force" do if it's not combat, jerking off to dream visions?

The remake is going to be awful

They spend more time mastering force powers and less in combat training via melee or ranged combat.

Not one single white male.

more time meditating, more force powers, less lightsaber skills from practice
think wise spacemagical negroid trying to kill palpatine with a lightsaber vs yoda throwing senate seats at him

I can't wait to choose between Body Type A Jedi Consular and Body Type B Jedi Consular.

How's this for Space Wizard?
Unlike DND there really isn't a rush to get more than 14 in most stats, right?

Attached: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 Screenshot 2022.06.05 - (1280x1024, 559.5K)

I'm a Sentinel guy

Attached: Jedi Jesus.jpg (512x512, 32.62K)


The remake is going to totally remove "Male" and "Female" from this menu but leave everything else the same.

Consider not dropping 14 in CON but to use that on DEX for the early game before you get enough powers and force points. To use a blaster

And yeah, its no big deal even if you start with all 14 or something as you will get gear and level ups often and in a way that thought out to never be like in old school anal D&D video games where you must min max.

jedi consular space jesus

They should add races, I want to play as Hutt

Should I play SWTOR's class stories (never done 'em) or just replay KOTORs with dark side choices (never done DS)?


Yoda was literally better with a lightsaber than Mace Windex as well

I really wanted to play this but then remembered that I'd have to go through a bunch of
>kill X animals
>bring back X stuff

DS KotOR 2 is awesome
If you want to play SWTOR, go for the Agent and stop after you beat the main storyline

t. prequelfag that thinks the force is just a collection of DnD magic spells

You can dump STR to 8 if you're playing Consular.

CHA isn't that important either but it does affect a couple force powers, not significantly though iirc.

don't forget
>run across the map to click thing
>ok now run all the way back
>ok now go back again and kill X dudes

CHA is important for influencing companions