The great debate

Was RDR2 really better than 1?

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The post game in 1 was better and a few of the mini games like finger filet was more fluid but 2 was better in every other way.

RDR1 was a game RDR2 was an interactive story.

It’s better in every way.


I didn't play RDR2 when I saw all the gay SJW shit in it.

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I just finished playing RDR2, I'm in chapter 3 and I literally am forcing myself to play this boring shit, I've been playing it for almost two weeks now.
When RDR1 came out I played from 10am to 11pm in one sitting without eating, Right now I'm thinking of getting some hotdogs which appear way more appealing than sitting through this borefest know as RDR2.
Only zoomers find RDR2 better, fucking game is loved by zoomers there was even a fucking new shit South Park episode about it..

like what?

Why are u comparing a movie to a videogame?

Honestly I kind of wish RDR2 had been more lineal and focused with really tight, well paced cinematic storytelling rather than going for the sprawling, maximalist approach it ended up taking. I honestly think a more concise game would have been more memorable.

They’re completely different


Actually... Yah...

i enjoyed rdr2 when i was in a gaming drought and had nothing else to play
that drought is over and i still didn't beat the game, im not going back. 1 was better

No. didn't play 1 since 2012 but coming back to it made me realize that 1 presentation is what made it fun compared to 2 soap opera missions.

zoomers are the ones who think it's a borefest you south park watching aspie

Gameplay and world yes , campaign ABSOLUTELY NOT

RDR1 was fun and had arcadey gameplay.
RDR2 goes overboard on the realism shit.
Only underage zoomers disagree.

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don't care
update online you hacks
I just wanna be a cowboy with the boys

Sure?, 'cause I'm not. the prologue and start of the first act of 1 is pretty much perfect, and so is most of the third act and exploring Mexico is really interesting making food a better narrative than act 1, but the second half of act 1 after you leave the ranch is really weak imho and the gameplay side of act 2 is mostly busywork that feels disconnected from the story that's going on and that's a real shame because Act 2 is when the game starts to really get going with its narrative.

both games literally play the same retard

2 campaign didnt bother with blackwater incident or the gang before downfall , the not cuba act is the same of being really disconected from the game and start the downhill to the end anf also italian mafia in west coast before 70s what a joke

"triggered" zoomer

I remember looking at the skyboxes in RDR1 and thinking that it was the most hyperreal, beautiful sky that I had seen in a game. If you think that RDR1 wasn't going for just as much realism as RDR2, you don't understand westerns in the first place. Realism IS the lifeblood of the genre. The characters must feel real, the world must feel real too because those are the pillars of the aesthetic of every single Western that people give a shit about.

If you disagree, feel free to point at instances where realism "being taken too far" was detrimental to the game. Really, I encourage you to do so.

Both were terribly boring cinematic experiences.