When did you realize you're getting too old for gaming...

When did you realize you're getting too old for gaming? I just got back to playing Skyrim VR and it shocked me that I lost muscle memory to even intuitively navigate the menu, not to mention combat, after just 4 months. I barely played anything in the last decade anyway, just a few bouts of putting 200+ hours in a very short time completely immersed in a game, with months or years in between when I literally couldn't choose what to play at all. I'm 34 y.o. btw.

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I cant play fast games anymore, I just dont find them enjoyable so I use software to slow them down by about 30%.

I'm 42 and you are just an enormous faggot.

now. in the sense that i think everything new sucks and i'd rather play old shit.

Never, it's even more of an interest when you have shit to do like work. When I'm old and retire, I will be playing some shit in nuVR trying to get my dick up.

Turning 35 soon, and still enjoying vidya.

My late grandpa played his NES all the way to his death bed. It clearly brought him joy when his mobility deteriorated.

I'm not getting too old for gaming, the direction most new games are going are shit. I can happily play old games over and and over and this shit is not exclusive to gaming either.

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>you are just an enormous faggot.
I guess I am. I noticed I kinda lost interest in anything in the last few years and nothing brings me joy anymore. I cannot commit myself to anything time-consuming, whether it's something productive or enjoyable and start each day with plans to e.g. start a new game or relearn calculus, but I end up browsing random shit on the internet and days and years pass, while my coordination and ability to learn goes to shit. on the very rare occasion I force myself get down to something and become immersed, I literally cannot put it down and e.g. play 12+ hours a day while having a full time job.
sorry, I'm really drunk, so it's probably unintelligible

I've found I just transitioned into a new type of game.
I was always into FPS multiplayer as a kid where it was all fast shit, but I've genuinely moved more into strategy games or if its a competitive game its more slow/tense shit like Tarkov or Hunt.

I don't feel too "old", but more "I don't have enough time for this". Those sorts of competitive games are zoomies with tons of free time or the absolutely cracked chads that spend every waking moment playing it.

Why not play games you can do in short bursts if you're bored?
I like Slay The Spire for that, as I just do a couple of runs if I can't think of anything else to do and then call it a day. Any game like that which isn't multiplayer typically doesn't need you to spend ages learning it too.

>I noticed I kinda lost interest in anything in the last few years and nothing brings me joy anymore.
Gee I wonder what the problem could be

I've just accepted that that's how I play games now. Barely gamed in the last year, recently just put 100+ hours into Elden Ring now back to not playing anything. Games are too similar now. It's not worth playing most of them.

I used to think that and now instead I think that the majority of games produced today just aren't that fun.

I've played FF14 for a long time, but the changes made to the game largely ruined the fun I found in it. I decided on a whim to go play on an old-era FF11 private server and have found it to be way more fun than I've had with 14 in recent years.

why are you insistent on trying to get ppl to lose interest in video games??

i get it....im an adult and have other responsibilities now like making money and family and the fact that gaming is currently in the shitter but i still have fond memories of many of the games from my childhood

Mid-thirties. I don't think I'll ever outgrow games. There's so much cool stuff I haven't played yet and so many good games in the works that I'm looking forward to.

Speaking of getting old though. Like another poster said, I can't play fast-paced games well anymore. At least not at the level I used to play at.

It's insane I haven't destroyed my wrists. I used to be really into StepMania and Gunz and I never got RSI or carpal tunnel.

that's literally the last thing I want. I just want to be able to just lauch a game as before, instead of indefinitely trying to choose what to play, or forever trying to get back to something I haven't played for just some time, and instead waste time doing literally nothing while my coordination goes further to shit

>I've found I just transitioned into a new type of game.
More like you found that you've transitioned into a woman

Haven't stopped enjoying them yet but I play less games for sure. I'm very picky and can really only tolerate indie games because of this. Don't intend to stop playing games. I'm 33, own a house and a vehicle, plenty in savings, enough to live the rest of my life neet if I so chose. You know what I do outside of that op? Sit around with my alcoholic friends and skate. I could do anything I want but I'm doing this. Eat shit bruh

My eyes hurt from staring at screens, weed and alcohol. It's constant battle of taking too much weed and alcohol and trying to stay sober so i can keep my eye sight

my reflexes are shit and my wrist is busted too and needs surgery so i cant do intense gaming

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32 here, dont feel old at all. At some point you just start to choose games more carefully, mostly because youve played so many titles that you know most of the mechanics and see the repetition of it

Also, your taste changes over time aswell, I started to enjoy strategy/building strategy games more.

And well, obviously dont play videah too much because it will get dull and joyless, get other hobbies and dont mind if you take a break from gaming for a couple of weeks or months

Holy shit is that epic successful guy from reddit?

I "became worse at video games" when I stopped caring about being good. Then I became even worse (because I started caring even less) when I started thinking about game design and realized single players games are designed to be easy to learn and make the player feel good about it. Then I became even worse when I stopped caring about achievements and stopped using video games as a primary mechanic of escapism.
Actually, I just don't feel like playing video games much at all anymore. The whole "I am le great at video games, tremble before me normies" persona that I used to wear seems so long gone already. I'd rather just watch TV and learn more about making my own games.

>from reddit?
I remember Any Forums being full of epic fail guy threads around 2010, you fucking reddit tourist

baited and trolled, sir.

When I was younger I would approach games like a complete lobotomite. It would never dawn on me that I was doing the wrong thing when I got filtered, but just that I did it wrong. For the 50th time. I think I've only gotten better at gaming with age.
I think he's jokin

You're not old you're just a retarded faggot.

>baited and trolled, sir.
nevemind then, I'm just drunkposting