The Secret World

Let's have a comfy TSW thread

>favorite faction
>favorite zone
>favorite mission

Attached: The Secret World.jpg (1500x1271, 576.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>favorite faction
>favorite zone
>favorite mission
Either the Fear Nothing Foundation stuff, or The Sound of Children

That game had such potential. I’ve played it so much on release. How is it nowadays?


>favorite faction
>favorite zone
Hard question i liked it all but maybe Transylvania
>favorite mission
It was soo long ago... I liked the quest for the weakened forest god, could have more with him, and alos the quests for the oni boss in tokyo

Damn there were so many colourful characters in that game.

>oni boss in tokyo
He was a demon gentleman of exquisite taste!

Attached: Kirsten_Geary_painting.png (1158x913, 1.7M)

>favorite faction
>favorite zone
The very first zone with the zombie cthulhu shit going on
>favorite mission
The DLC spy mission in transylvania that turned the game into a pure horror game

Where are my fellow Templar chads?

They rereleased it as Secret World Legends a couple years ago. It averages about 60 people now. I'm just waiting for them to release it as a standalone game desu.

Hearing this awakens something in me

Illuminati, New England, and the parking Garage in tokyo.

The atmosphere... the potential

Such a shame, it would have been infinitely better as single player game with optional co-op lobby based multiplayer with a good combat system.

>Parking Garage
Oh God, I could barely get through that one on first playthrough.

Ironically they removed my favorite multiplayer parts with the SWL rerelease.
The game is so good as a singleplayer that I hope they'll let us preserve the game instead of it dying someday.

Actually I'm surprised that people haven't started making private servers

>parking Garage
I totally forgot about that one. All that having to keep eye contact so those giggling fucks can't end you, creepy as shit.

My favourite MMO, I'm curently replaying through it with a new character. Legacy server of course, because fuck Legends
The atmosphere and exploration are god tier

I don't mind multiplayer at all, but so many sections obviously do not fit with multiplayer elements. A lot of story sections, all investigations, stealth missions, and the horror ones need to be played single player. The dungeons were pretty fun though, also leech healing AR was peak healer game design.

Main reason I think downgrading from an MMO would massively improve the game is just allowing the combat to become a proper hack and slash or FPS with proper hit detection instead of just floaty aoe spam combat. Action segments like a shooter would be amazing in co-op, like defending horde modes in boarded up new england fortress, getting swarmed by mummies and infected shits atop a crumbling pyramid, storming a castle of armed vampire guards, etc.

i remember this game from years back, it had some of the comfiest game design i've experienced but weirdly thrown into a pointless mmo experience

they should've just released it as a singleplayer game with all the lore

Are there any even remotely active communities for this left? Steam, Discord, forums, anywhere? Would like to do some dungeons and stuff on the Legacy version one day, I can see some people are still playing it, but finding an actual group ingame is impossible
Fully agreed

Kingsmouth, or maybe the Shadowy Forest.
The insmouth academy ones, followed by Tokyo ones (except the aegis grind).

My message alarm for certain people.

Impressive to see Legends rerelease didn't manage to totally kill TSW, yet.

I think they needed the money to fuel the massive amount of work, but honestly with a better combat system I probably would have paid 40+ dollars per zone as expansions.

I really wish that game wasn't dead. I really liked it.

I loved this game so much, one of the rare games that got pretty much all of its content right. The dungeons were fucking incredible, especially the hard mode ones. I really liked the raid too, but I fell off after pretty much maxing a character and getting BiS for melee DPS.

>Impressive to see Legends rerelease didn't manage to totally kill TSW, yet.
I'm honestly not sure why they keep the legacy version servers running, but I'm definitely not complaining, fuck p2w shit. I just hope I'll be able to finish the story before they close them, since I never did

pure kino, the story was incredible - fantastic music, atmosphere, lore... the game had it all

loved the wheel and the freedom to build whatever you wanted

I ran katana/shotgun and had a blast

>leech healing AR was peak healer game design.
With some 10.4.4 gear, the satisfaction of being top dps and top tank healing. The whole skill wheel was very well designed, even if some skills could need some rebalance to be more useful.
Shit I miss those leech healing mechanic.

There's still an active discord where they do raid announcements and stuff

High ping when trying to defeat the gatekeeper was a pain in the ass