Mario Strikers Thread

Next test is in an hour.

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In an hour or 20 min?


The games fun... But no way in hell is it worth $60.

Played the game with some friends, rotating which two were up. Was great. Much better than just with a random teammate. Made me very excited for the full game, so I can purge the dead weight entirely

You would not pay full price for the other games? Because I could see myself easily putting at least 50 hours into this game

yeah I get your point. It's just the game isn't even 2gb. There just doesn't seem to be much content. And I'm not complaining about the roster size or choices of stadiums. I don't know what else they could add to be honest. $60 just to play a 4 minute game over and over again just seems not right. Take mario out of this game and it'd be $10 on steam.

No, it’d be free, the mechanics would be significantly worse, and the whole thing would exist to funnel you into microtransactions

30 minutes, right?

When all the casuals who buy this get intimidated and stop playing it online its gonna be a sweat fest just like with Mario Tennis Aces

I literally could not get a fair match in Aces after just a few months

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8 minutes

Wario chads where we at? Toad can't do shit to us

I wish manchildren would stop buying nintendo games

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Reportan. Fuck toadcels, they can't group up together to do shit

People are gonna be really good in just a few weeks but there will always be noobs.

Anyway it’s time.

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My Wigga(Wario Nigga)


I'm literally enjoying the fucking Switch Sports soccer mode more.

Its cause 2v2 fucking sucks and the game is not intuitive to jump in and play like the previous strikers

man, when you find a teammate you resonate with, it's hella fun

i want my face buried in that ass

I don't get why they give each player the option to pick two characters and then make it so you swap randomly between them. It'd make way more sense if those two were just your characters and pressing L swapped between those two specifically. Would make it way easier to keep track of things.

Just finished my first match.
I had no idea what was going on, but it was fun. I got the hang of it by the end.

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You should be able to only control your characters, have a circle to indicate who youre using currently and you should be able to run anywhere on the field since its an online game where each player has a screen.

I can run off screen as a character and it makes no sense cause the camera follows the ball only

3rd round with the same teammate now, its great

I didn't know there was a demo for this
is it limited time or something?

This would really improve it for me.
Just finished playing with two guys in the same console. I got lost the whole match of who was whom

I’ve been the team captain like 8 times in a row across multiple test sessions because the other rando doesn’t know you have to push down on your rotational select screen to get your number

Literally the only thing stopping them from not being pink/purple and going Spoopy Mansion