"We need to wipe out all current life and recreate the world I came from because it was perfect with no suffering."

>"We need to wipe out all current life and recreate the world I came from because it was perfect with no suffering."
>"If it was so perfect then why did it end with all you guys killing each other and destroying it?"
>"That was just a one off thing."
>"And what was the event, and how do you know the exact same catalyst wouldn't literally happen again and just repeat the same calamity that destroyed your world to start with?'
"idk I just think it probably wouldn't happen again."


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It's an overrated mess character

Anime can't into villains besides Bondrewd, who was just a really shitty Holden

user the point of villains is that they're wrong. if they aren't wrong, then you are the villain for stopping them.

>memory wiping device going off
>two people are managing to escape unharmed
>instead of shouting '' REMEMBER TO REMIND US OF WHAT HAPPENED HERE '', recite a monologue about how he doesn't still believe that we are from the future, but if he is wrong, don't fuck it up lol *smile*
>his twink friend just smiles and waves goodbye to us

they truly were their own downfall

>elidibus forbids us from trying to actively change the timeline
literally why?

If it happened again they would invoke Zodiark again, but actually get to finish their Zodiark plan properly, which Venat fucked up. It was still wrong, because it was just constantly re-applying a band-aid instead of addressing the source of pain.

I think Elidibus basically said anything you were going to do you already did so don't think you can change things

Villains are supposed to do things that they believe are right that the heroes disagree with on moral grounds, not stupid plans that a supposedly smart character should be able to see wouldn't succeed.

Holden like Judge Holden?
I really want to know how you think they're even slightly similar besides both being amoral.

The "bandaid" worked perfectly fine for 12k years without a slightest sign of cracking using just a fraction of its power

Judge Holden viewed all life and innovation as his property, and all mystery something for him to master. It was one of his defining traits.

The Ancients were weak willed bitches that could not learn to move on until being dragged by Venat and Azem

>Muh morally grey
Fuck you gay nigga

Ascians were fucking retards, every single one.

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>If it was so perfect then why did it end with all you guys killing each other and destroying it?
But that's not what happened.

The point was more that whatever you did wouldn't matter since it's already happened. Trying to change anything just wouldn't work.

Emet kino is hailed as a damn fucking good character because he does that well, not that his plot wasn't pants on head retarded.
Also see: Sephiroth aka momma's boy who thinks he's mommy and plays with sock puppets so hard that nobody fucking knows what the fuck VII was all about

I didn't say anything about morally gray. A villain can be morally black but it should be something he believes is correct. Having your villain's entire goal just hinge on not thinking his entire plan through logically is poor writing.

I suppose that's true, but the Judge's response to anything he didn't understand was to destroy or defile it. Bondrewd on the other hand doesn't try to rape the Abyss, his motives are purely in the interest of discovery. The two characters are almost completely different in the entire way they approach the world, treat the protagonist, etc.

He wasn't forbidding us, he was telling us that we cant.

They really all did that to Meteion?

I'm sure eventually they would want to find out the source of the Final Days. And with their creation magics probably would have dealt with the sad bird girls quicker than we did.

Zenos was better

>remember to tell me the exact same story I already don't believe but with some more crazy shit in it
damn if only he had given the wol that idea

Perhaps, it was just worded weirdly, especially the '' the reality to which you must return '' sounds like he is forbidding us from trying to intervene with the timeline, but it can just mean that there is no way of changing the future, and you will come back to the present without the timeline changed no matter what you do.

If WoL truly had absolutely NO meaningful way to change of what was to come in that timeline, I suppose Emet figured that out eventually as we escape from Kairos' memory wipe.

Why did Hydaelyn constantly lie to us about her and Zodiark all the time? She lied to us in HW and again in SHB. Why didn't WoL or the Scions question her about it?

Why do people shill that book and character so much?

Dynamis (or whatever the fuck it was called) was the antithesis to creation magic. They did work out the solution, Venat sundered their race into beings that could actually utilize dynamis in ways that could stop the final days.

You haven't read it recently. The judge often journaled things and preserved and collected plants and rocks of interest.

Yeah, but this time Venat would also be there to clarify the truth of the matter, and there was not really any reason why Emet and Hythlodaeus would reject her words.

>And with their creation magics probably would have dealt with the sad bird girls quicker than we did.
Did Emet Selch not literally saying to the WoL that they brought humanity further along than the ancient's methods ever could have not drill in that this isn't true?

>Why do people like something good?

Censoring incoming

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If they wanted to show what happened in the ancient world they should have just let Mikoto do to us what she did with Cid

>You didn't invite me to your birthday party?
>Fuck you faggot I'm cursing the lot of you!
Deep and mean full faggots take note, this is how you do a villian. Evil for the sake of it is the absolute best villainy made.

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Stop making me want to coom

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The Judge and Bondrewd sharing a habit of collecting things does not make them similar characters in the slightest. Again, I'll use the example of how they treat the protagonist in each book; the Judge, when confronted with the Kid refusing to shoot him in the desert, responds by raping and murdering the Kid years later. Meanwhile Reg is also not understood by Bondrewd, but Bondrewd's response to this unknown quantity isn't to delete him off the face of the Abyss. It's to try and learn more about Reg's functions and Reg's origin. Your analysis is almost supremely superficial.

what should i be doing at the gold saucer during this campaign event? I never really fucked with anything there besides the cactpot

To be fair WoL and gang only got to where they are due to Emet and Venat. It's a whole catch 22 timeloop fuckery.

Yoshi-p mentioned recently how the Twelve are depicted in-game might not be how they are presented in the alliance raid. Which is fair considering how the Twelve are depicted by their worshipers has been a pretty important plot point.

Yoshi-p also said that some of the Twelve might even be the opposite gender. Nophica's big mantits incoming.

You don't think they could have studied and mastered Dynamis in the thousands of years of protection Zodiark provided?

Log in
do daily cactpots
Wait for GATEs every 20 minutes, do them, get anywhere from 6.2k MGP from standard stuff to 8k from things like the slice is right.
Buy what you want
Log out

Aether and Dynamis cancel each other out, the Ancients who are highly aether dense beings cannot use it.

If you really want MGP do the weekly challenges

Do the weekly Fashion Report. Go for a 80 or higher rating and you will walk away with like 75k mgp each week.

Teamwork truly makes the dream work, if only ascians had understood this, they'd probably be time traveling to another timeline to save their world instead of being dead as fuck.