Saves Final Fantasy

>saves Final Fantasy

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>no party
>no magic
>no jobs
>no equipment
>no airship
>no ambition
>no soul
Hyped for 16 brehs!

What for heavensward is one of (if not arguably) the best FF stories ever.

>saves a shitty ass weeaboo series


sorry final fagtasy fanboy
you need to be older than 18 to post here despite nobody cares about your hack jap trash """game""" developer

Elden Sisters....

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Prepare yourself for ubisoftCrystals and reused ruins. Yawn.

>no party
>no jobs
>no equipment
different weapons
>no airship
>no ambition
literally burns with the flame of ambition
>no soul
Breaking out of the teen punk orgy cycle from nomura since the 2000s is only possible with soul

This game is for RydiaGODS, Yunalords, tactics MEN and SMNchads. Nomuralets and dragon quest job losers begone.

>World of Snorecraft

Why is everything Ivalice adjacent so fucking SOVLful?

There is a part of the new trailer where Shiva is using Diamond Dust and Clive doesn't have her equipped. There could be companions of some kind.

>muh trash copy paste mechanics
you are equally as bad jarpig brainlet
>no ambition
>no soul
japs never had souls to begin with
they are the worst out of anyone in the gamineg industry even if you cant even call any of their unfinished trash piles """games""" at all

The desperate coping begins....

QTE or fully fleshed out kaiju fight segment?

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XVI “DOMINANCE” 1-59 screenshot.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

So tell me what you think are the best 5 games to come out in the last 10 years then

>No lightning

Someone pointed out that the very first frame of that Garuda clip shows the other Eikons as part of the hud. So it's probably a cutscene leading into phase 2.

turnbased fights

these retard cuck ass bitches have been coping since the last two deacdes
why would i care about jap trash
all of them are fucking garbage
the best ones are obviously genshin impact that will blow this shitty trash out the water EZ because it tries to break grounds compared to how yoshitard gave up on any illusion of trying


I'm just going to say it.

Elden Ring's open world ruined one of the best parts of the Souls formula and that was its exploration and world. I want them to go back to making mazy a mazy, claustrophobic dungeon crawler.

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Actually if you watch the full trailer, it's just fading in from the previous clip where Shiva is doing Diamond Dust vs Liquid Flame. The level and hp value in the hud are the exact same as from the Shiva clip.

Would you?

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here is the perfect game
the rope
take it bitch boy

I'm going to.

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you don't find walking around in a huge field and entering 4 identical dungeons per area to be compelling exploration?


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yoshitpiss killing ff for good