What are your favorite strategy games, Any Forums?

What are your favorite strategy games, Any Forums?

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The last time I played a game that involved actual strategy, i.e. having to plan more than 30 seconds ahead, was chess. Video games don't actually involve strategy. The "strategy" genre is a misnomer. I have never felt as if I have struggled and failed to formulate an effective "strategy" in a video game.

Let's look at some examples.

Starcraft - you pick your build, you win or lose 5 minutes later regardless based on a dice roll.
HOI - who gets the best rng, and knows the latest meta build to exploit the mechanics
total war - first person whos death stack beats another death stack snowballs and wins

there's no STRATEGY to any of this, none of it is you actually using your own intelligence to overcome an adapting situation and employing a formulated methodology. its just blinking lights and sounds with some strategic elements painted on top.

Dark Omen
Red Alert 2
Dungeon Keeper
AoE 2
Dawn of War
Total Annihilation
Theme Hospital
Tiberian Sun

Dark Omen - just flank the enemy you win
Red Alert 2 - spam out units until you win
Dungeon Keeper - trick the enemy into attacking and you win
AoE 2 - pick one of 4 races with OP units and win
Dawn of War - perfect your build order and win through resource attrition, pick an OP race to guarantee victory
Total Annihilation - spam units and win
WC3 - get good hero RNG and win
Theme Hospital - is business management really strategy? if so this might be the closest thing to strategy here
Tiberian Sun

tiberian sun - fun game but its just who can nuke who first, which i guess is cold war era strategy in a way

You joyless little cunt. I hope you stub your toe on a cold day.

this is what a day without dilating does to trannymf

Company of Heroes 2

there is no strategy involved in any of it. ive wanted to play a "strategy" game my whole life and never found one except chess or a few other niche board games. these are war simulators at best, little more than those epic battle simulator clone games on steam. mash units together see who wins XD its like playing with my wrestlemania toys as a kid, just as plastic and hollow and infantile.

I would kill for an actual strategy game that actually involves actual strategy and actually involves thinking strategically. The problem is game theory. Every game just devolves into Dominant Strategy due to the million monkey typewriter effect of having millions of people play it.

Post a high rank in any of these games or go back to cuckshed nigger

Learn to play issue


Try any turn-based strategy game then, seeing as your so autistic about what is strategic and what isn't.
Apparently real-time strategy games aren't strategy games, guys. Because this twat says so.

This nigger never even played Dark Omen.

Attached: CHAAARGE.jpg (640x480, 96.82K)

I have been playing "strategy" games since I was 4 years old and got my first PC, and I have been playing tabletop and board game "strategy" games since I was about 7. I can tell you right now nothing in a video game has ever come close to scratching the itch as much as a tabletop/board game has. Unless we are willing to count being a video game as a MASSIVE handicap to immersion, which seems like it should be the opposite, then I think its unavoidable that video game developers just have never been able to make an actual strategy game. It is too much effort to make a game with the level of depth of, say, some mini war games, on top of also making a video game. Video game devs are not capable of making a strategy game because it's just too hard for them to do.

Attached: Company of Kino.png (462x652, 461.78K)

CoH2 who can outflank who first and get resource domination and snowball and acquire artillery credits first and who has the best general build and none of that is strategy

in fairness, this does have an actual strategy guide, and there is SOME strategy in your deployments, but battles are largely a coin toss and who has found the more broken items first

most turn based games that are even somewhat strategic are based on board games, and the board games they're based on are not very strategic or very simple in concept to be able to translate well to a video game. list some examples and i'll tear them apart.



Attached: comman.jpg (173x289, 17.12K)

>CoH2 who can outflank who first and get resource domination and snowball and acquire artillery credits first and who has the best general build
So strategy

I can beat AoE2 DE on the hardest difficulty but I cannot beat WC3's easiest AI. Only enjoyment I get is through WC3's story campaigns.

More of a puzzle game than strategy. There is one or maybe two "correct" ways to finish every level. There is no application of strategy there is discovering the pre-programmed series of commands to win.

you could argue that somewhere in the scant 1 minute 30 second period between the initial rushes and the first capture point skirmishes that there is some wiggle room to call it a strategy game, but as soon as someone drops a gotcha mechanic its over and the remaining 15-20 minutes of a match are just playing out the already won game. the game might as well just end when someone drops certain units, literally just flash up "you win" and end it quickly to save everyone time, because snowballing is inevitable and there's no recovery. there's no "maybe if I try this", it is just mathematically impossible and the scales tip insurmountably so quickly. if you gave me a pizza that only had 1 slice of pepperoni on it I wouldn't call it pepperoni pizza, but you could argue it is I suppose.

You posted it

You didn't play the game

Dawn of War 2 is superior.

Attached: DOW2.jpg (281x336, 35.38K)