El giante

>el giante
>lake monster
>village chief
>invisible sewer insects
>salazar boss fight
>chainsaw guy
How do you think the resident evil 4 remake will handle this?

Attached: resident_evil_4_XzGjB5w.jpg (1632x918, 133.51K)

The original Resident Evil 4 still holds up pretty well today, I wasn't sure a remake was even necessary. Regardless I'll still be playing the shit out of it.

i don't know anything. but i hope they include gyro aiming

I can't imagine them making the regenerators any less horrifying.

I'm looking forward to the Verdugo fight desu

Terribly. DEmake2 and 3 are exactly what they're going for now.
Expect total censorship and removal of any and all FUN and ATTITUDE.

by removing most of it and making shit decisions
>chainsaw guy will be chore-tyrant/nemesis

I want to see those wolf things in the hedgemaze

If anything gets turned into the pursuing invincible run-and-hide enemy it'll either be Verdugo or Regenerator

cut or change content in to worse as is the trend over at capcom

>>lake monster
Its literaly on the trailer for like a second

i forgot of that
verdugo was the hand right?
>inb4 we get 2 hide-and seek shit at the same time

what would you do if they turned the merchant into the happy merchant?
>whacha buyin, goyim?

They will remove most of that shit and retards will defend capcom.


I just want mercenaries to be honest.

Too early to tell. I don't think everything will be in it but hopefully it's enough to please fans. I don't care what the faggot contrarians in this thread say.
If the same team that made RE2 is working on this then I expect the game to be at least decent. RE2 was very good and I'm hoping that this game is the same. If the game is bad (which I hope it isn't the case) then we can always go back to the OG.
It does hold up but not everybody would want to play it, given the tank controls and the graphics being outdated. Mind you the graphics arent awful to look at compared to...other games from the series.
I hope it isn't the same shit that they pulled with Village. Merc mode in that game fucking sucked. I dunno what they were thinking.

remake2 is unironically like the best game in a decade

>yes crapcum fill me with more shit

some of these will be cut from the game

Is this a remake or a remaster?

They'll cut most of them.
Same how they cut a whole campaign out of the 2 remake and how they cut out many things from the original RE3 for the RE3 remake.
