Dual-boot 7 & 10?

I have a computer which runs Windows 10, and I was thinking I should also install Windows 7 in case there are games which don't work on 10. Except, there aren't any games I've come across that wouldn't run on Windows 10, aside from really old (eg. Windows 95-era) games. So, are there any big or notable games out there which would justify me making this a dual-boot system? I already have a perfectly fine Windows XP machine too, so I'm not interested in "games which work on XP and 7 but not 10", but specifically "games which don't work on XP, work on 7, and don't work on 10", if there is such an overlap.

Attached: Win7Win10.jpg (1210x481, 68.1K)

Maybe just run 7 in a VM if you don't think you can justify dual booting.

it sounds like you just want to install windows 7 for no reason

But then I'd waste time and space on a VM I never touch.

I'd recommend use an other PC
I heard 10 messes with bootloader

I almost needed to because for some reason TF2 wouldn't play for me anymore until I threw in a somehow missing DirectX file into the folder. The same solution fixed other games like Sonic Adventure 2 for Steam.

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As opposed to wasting time and space on a dual boot? Do you have a trickle down pc you can throw 7 on maybe?

Then that'd be a waste of another PC which I never touch. The specifics of how I get 7 running isn't the issue, I'm trying to find if there are games out there which need Windows 7 for some reason.

just use 10/11 and run a vm you giant fucking retard

How about you JUST install Win7?
There's barely any games that NEED Wee10, and those two can be still ran using DXVK.

t. still using W7 to this day, and that's not gonna change any time soon.
Will certainly switch to Linux when this old pal becomes unusable.

W7 uses the same NT6 base as Vista, 8 and 10. Only thing Seven really has over the "Metro" era spyware successors are better performance, smaller install size, way less meddlesome overall structure, and slightly better compatibility with the pre-DX10 games.

Attached: win7 desktop.jpg (1920x1200, 346.07K)

Yeah but some emulators are being fags and removing Win7 support.

such as?

different user here, do you have MH Rise working on win7? I want to get it, but the demo wouldn't work and I don't know what I'd need to do to make it work, if it's even possible.

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I dual boot Win7 and 10. Most time is spent in Win7 but I have goy pass so boot into 10 for that. The number one thing I can recommend to you is TURN OFF FAST STARTUP IN WINDOWS 10. If you don't do this your Windows 7 install may get completely fucked.

If you are gonna dual boot replace 7 with XP because thats the best bet to play from DOS to 95-98 games and a quick search will give you a fuck load of ways to make them work that isnt possible on 7.

not really, Windows 10 has matured
enough that almost any main line game works fine. Now for the poorly optimized ones like japanese games, install a VM rather than a dual boot and slowly increment storage space when you need to add another big game.

Just use 11 holy fuck this cycle never ends

I can't believe you people unironically want windows 10 now
Fuck the hell off

dx12 games dont run on 7

>people still willingly use the botnet

Attached: dt.jpg (3840x2160, 955.88K)

fitting background since that's what you have to do to get arch to function

Arch is simple. Maybe retards can't use archinstall when booting the iso but that's not my problem. Everyone else can use Mint. It just werks.

Who else a Win11 chad over here? Running on hardware from over 10 years ago without any issues. It's better than 10.

Any tips for someone about to ty linux for the first time? I'm going for 7, Mint/Ubuntu and like 10gb of a very specific 10.