Are there any good controllers for PC?

I've been having trouble looking for a controller I can use to play fighting games, but I haven't had any luck with finding anything that doesn't drift after a month or two of use. Are there any controllers that can last a while, preferably something wired?

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Series X controller

Dualsense is probably better for fighting games because of the dpad position. Well that or xbox series x controller. Dualsense has more features if you need those. Either way both are solid options

what does drift have to do with fighting games?

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DS4, you'll never need anything else.

My right trigger just started sticking. Still have my wired 360 controller that works fine. What the fuck?

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buy a cheatbox or something actually fun like an arcadestick

I've been using my Dualshock 3 for the last 10 years

Just upgraded from a ds4 and Xbox one pad to a dual shock 5. It’s the perfect game pad

Wii U Pro Controller!

theres a new 8bitdo wired xbox controller with a great dpad for fighters, if u go on the 8bitdo youtube u should be able to find videos of it

the fuck is that design

8bitdo sn30 controllers are dogshit

My xbox controller constantly disconnects during game. Happens with any wireless xbox controller connected to the wireless adapter. Still can't figure out the problem.

If you can find one at a good price. This guy.

I love mine for platformers and emulating old games.

Next I would say is the snes ibuffalo pad.

Third and finally is the ds4

I recommend having. A controller with a good Dpad and a separate one with good sticks.
I also have the bacon pro x controller.

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Here's the nacon pro. It's $100 which is alot to ask for. But I got it for $60. The sticks have really good deadzone almost 0.2 error on the sticks compared to the dualsense or the Xbox sx controls which ae 10 to 20% error..

Also the back buttons are good and flush so you can't easily press them if you don't want to.

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Whatever you do, don't pick a fighting commander if you like using a D-Pad, the face buttons are gigantic and defeat the purpose of using a gamepad.

This thing was uncomfy as fuck for me, smaller face buttons would have been better.

It depends on the person.
But it's expensive for a reason. It's got the best Dpad out there.

This guy
Six button layout and circular d-pad which is much better for fighting games. Wired version is only $20 too.
If you're willing to spend more, the Series X controller has an amazing microswitched d-pad, but is wireless and only has the four face buttons. Depends on what you plan on playing with it really, I use both on a regular basis.

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Get an 8bitdo M30. It's way better than