The Eternal Debate

Are you a Gogfag or Steamfag?

Attached: gog-vs-steam-thumbnail.jpg (600x400, 21.99K)

>Do you like owning your games or buying DRM


no drm

more stuff

When is the Summer Sale going up?

The 23rd.

thanks, does the whole store go on sale or is it just the publishers that decide to participate?

I pirate game
I beat it
And if I like it
I buy it on Steam

I'm a Steam fag but I don't have any beef with GOG. Most other launchers can get fucked though.

Goldberg is king.

ok shill

i use both

Download the games for free.
Why would I pay for games? That's retarded.

never forget gog bent over to the chinks

Publishers that decide to participate.
That's how these dates get leaked. They send an email out to pulbishers and devs that basically says "Next sale is (name of sale) on (date), You in?"

Whatever is cheaper, I only don't like buying from EGS.

> proprietary shit vs proprietary shit but now without DRM (almost)

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Steam of course.
It's more convenient. If I want no drm I'll just pirate it.

Depends where the keys are cheaper

You just have a license to access the game on Steam for that account, you don't actually own the game.
You own the game on GOG.

Why use Steam at all then?

>It's more convenient.
user, are you OK?

there lots of steam games without drm, and the basic steam drm that most devs use can be circumvented with something like goldberg_emulator

if the game is on gog, then ill get it there since no DRM.
If the game isn't on gog, i'll buy it on steam.

I do like how gog lets me connect origin, battlenet, ubisoft, epic, and steam all in one place. Makes it very convienent to see my entire video game collection

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How is Steam convenient than torrenting?

I'm wondering about this too

Clicking on icons on my desktop to launch games feels better than clicking on a soulless list.

depends on who gives me a discount first

GoG is slightly easier to pirate so I'll go with them.

I own some gog games but I guess I recommend googling it beforehand.
Noita saves gameplay videos in the same overall directory as save files which made me reach the backup limit and not be able to backup saves, because GOG is dumb.

whats the difference?
t. building a pc soon