Which Origin should I choose?

Which Origin should I choose?

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which ever one you prefer, for me its red prince.
i love beastfolks

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I make my OC, I don't understand why they made the game such that the optimal way is choosing a premade character.
I like to make up my own backstory.

Fane is the main character of the story

I've read that playing as Fane ruins a lot of twists in the story and that he's best for subsequent playthroughts like Malkavians in Bloodlines because they "know" what's happening in game.

imagine not customizing your own character

Contextually Fane and Lohse make the most changes to the plot. Fane for as you said already being in the know about the past and it's relevance in the plot(although a twist near the end blindsides even him), Lohse for being a slightly different nature from your crew(her own story doesn't really connect with the main plot as much but is important to do if she's part of your party). I'd toss Ifan in the mix as well as he has the most plot relevance to major players in current events. The other 3's personal stories don't really tie in to the main plot as much but do have major roles in big sidequests.

I used the mod that lets me take all 6 of them, 7 if I also made my donutsteel

Ifan is the canon protagonist.
Not only he's the ONLY origin that makes sense for the canon ending (Giving Lucian back his divinity), but:
1. He's a white human male, making him party leader by default
2. He has the most amount of extra tag dialogue options, if you play Beast you will have like 10 extra options in an 80 hours long game, if you play Ifan every single conversation will have 1 or 2 extra tags exclusive to Ifan
3. He has the most connection to every single plot point in the game. Sourcers, Magisters, The Divine Order, Lucian, Alexander, Elves, Lone Wolves, etc. The only parts of the story he has no connection with is Eternals, which only Fane has connection to, and Dwarves, which only Beast has connection to.

It ruins the story because you get spoiled on a big plot point VERY early on and a shocking revelation that happens at the end of the game doesn't feel personal because you have like 2 dialogue options meanwhile if Fane is a companion he reacts to said revelation accordingly.

Fane has no relevance to the plot other than being connected to a main character, that's it. It's like saying Sebille is a main character because Sahelia shows up every monday. Dallis pops up in the story about 3 times, that's not enough to make Fane a main protagonist.

And no, Lohse has LITERALLY zero plot relevance, the only thing Lohse has going on is one extra ending, as does Red Prince to be fair, and neither of their endings is canon. Lohse story also is pretty shitty and not connected to anything really, demons are not part of a story about divinity and godwoken. The demon in her head is not a major plot point like Beast's dwarven kingdom of Ifan's contract, lone wolves, elves, Lucian, etc. or Fane's people.

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I played this game like 5 times now and I always quit by the time I get the boat

>I like to make up my own backstory.

I can bet anything the backstory you gave your character is pure pure PURE garbage. You probably made some 15 year old dyke elf and gave her some turbo mary sue goddess half magician half princess half unicorn backstory.

Players SUCK at giving their own characters a backstory. Premade characters are fucking kino and it's better to roleplay a role you're assigned to that the developers made sure made sense within the story rather than some literal who player who doesn't even know the plot making some mary sue at the start of the game.

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> The main character of the story is a cringe mary sue last minute addition through a kickstarter campaign that is not connected to anything but just one of the final villains

Wow yes such a good main character I can totally see a party full of strong personalities like Red Prince, Ifan and Sebille following a skeleton with a gay lisp that's constantly complaining and whining about everything!

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Ifan, don't listen to fanefags. Ifan is the canon protag, that's why he's in the center of every promotional image. Keep fane as a party member though because he's almost as important to the story as ifan.
DO NOT make your own protag. I made that mistake at first too, had to restart by the end of the first act.

I loved the Red Prince, but I heard Ifan is good too.
Never played Fane all the way through.
Sebille's story isn't well written or fleshed out she feels incomplete to be honest.
Lohse is pretty based, I liked how you can get a permanent game over if you fuck up the fight against Ahdramalac.

Play Ifan for your first playthrough and Fane for your second. You'll be semi-spoiled otherwise.


>You probably made some 15 year old dyke elf and gave her some turbo mary sue goddess half magician half princess half unicorn backstory
Not really, I made a human lowlife scum that got interested in the arcane after witnessing an impressive sorcerer and is now trying to learn a few tricks, but isn't very good at it.

I hate the character designs and how this game looks in general, maybe i will force myself to play it someday

That is the most boring shitty story I have ever seen user. Did you even put effort into it? props for not making a mary sue, instead you made a puke inducing underdeveloped underdog. Add up to that you completely failed at tying Sourcery to your character's backstory.

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If you had any actual experience in roleplaying you would know that keeping the backstory simple is the best way to go about it, because it leaves you freedom to develop and discover your character during the game, and avoids all possible inconsistencies/plot holes
t. ttrpg player AND dm

>Quit after act 1
This is really common thing whenever I talk about this game with people.

Lots of people seems to give up as soon as they hit act 2. Probably because of the difficulty spike and overwhelming amount of new content, but Act 2 is always been my favorite.

Then what you did was the opposite of giving your character a backstory. YOu made a souless blank slate because you don't know anything about the world you're getting into. You have no knowledge of the continent, the cities, cultures, social dynamics, etc.

Which is why NOT making the backstory yourself is perfect. You, as a player, are a stranger to the land. You don't get to ALSO make your character a stranger to the land unless you go the Witcher cliche "Amnesia haha" to introduce the player to everything new.

Specially when DoS2 is probably the least newbie friendly game out there when it comes to lore, while other games give you 9999 questions about the land, the rulers, the laws, etc. Divinity just pretends you know who they are talking about. It's why you never get a "Who's this Lucian the Divine"? Everyone just goes "YAY PRAISE LUCIAN!" and though enough comments like that you put things together and realize "Oh he was a pretty big deal and look, I didn't need a mentally retarded "Who's this guy" question to find lore of the world".

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