Couldn't play video games for the last 15 years due to schizoness

>couldn't play video games for the last 15 years due to schizoness
>remakes and remasters of games I didn't have the chance to play
>my backlog is huge and tasty

I feel honestly sorry for the fags playing and finishing every game during the last 15 years honestly, now you literally have nothing to play.
You can only re-play and suck it up like a big boy.

Attached: 1639066355214.jpg (2693x1908, 3.42M)

Other urls found in this thread:

bottom left

a donut

Sounds like a console peasant.

Joke's on you, I've skipped almost all games for the past 15 years because none of them piqued my interest.

for me it's bottom left and top right

For me, it's everything bar the donuts

I mostly play multiplayer games anyway, if a game has dead multiplayer it's pretty worthless to me. I gotta go where the people are.

Honestly I've be happy with either of the ones on the right.

Is Krispy Kreme better than Dunkin Donuts? Have only had Dunkin

>finally gets out of schizo
>plays bloodborne
>Back to Oh noooo niggerman save me

i want to try american dougnut so much

Why not make one? They aren’t too complex.

>>Back to Oh noooo niggerman save me

Im a top left guy
One in the middle is gonna get soggy

Dunkin Donuts = 480p, 24fps
Krispy Kreme = 1080p, 60fps
Starbucks donut = 4k, 120fps, HDR

i dont know about america but did you see the oil prices in europe? from 1.40 to 5 euros for one liter of sunflower oil

you can use whatever oil you want or, you know...butter or any oil alternatives, recipes are not law, also where do you live that sunflower oil costs 5 euros? montecarlo?

what kind of weakling let's schizophrenia stop them from playing vidya? it's an enhancer for me


well maybe do them once in a while or look for an american bakery in your area, there should be some

close second after top right

Happy National Doughnut Day!

So you’re one of the ten schizos who was shitting up this board for years.

>posting an image URL on an imageboard

could not find one except dunkin donut
they taste fine but the princes become insane lately
would you say they dunkin represents american donuts well tastewise?

bottom mid looking hella tasty

For me it's bottom left. You're a real meanie for posting those delicious donuts.

if only you knew how bad things truly are, user