Dragon Age Dreadwolf

New Dragon Age title and logo revealed

>BioWare has been hard at work on the next chapter of the Dragon Age franchise and today the studio is ready to reveal a title. The next game in BioWare’s fantasy RPG series is called Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.

Fans of the series will know the Dreadwolf is a reference to Solas. Without going into spoilers, Solas, a magical party member and potential love interest in Dragon Age: Inquisition. BioWare released an official blog that’s light on details but dives into Solas’ story a bit more.


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i find that logo more offensive than the fact that the game's director is a tranny.

one look at it, and you automatically know that this game will have floss dancing emotes.

Solas is a fucking shit character. Why the fuck would they double down on this

Me personally? I’m probably going bread wolf instead.

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>People getting excited for Dragon Age
>The videogame series that has a grand total of 1/2 of a good game

lol no

lmfao who is going to buy this??

did they honestly think this is a good move? Who even owns bioware anymore and why would they think this is the thing to turn their embarrassing brand around

How many companions will be gay, brown, trans, and empowered af?

how woke and full shit will it be?
i bet the characters will look like shit.

fun fact: if you create a white male character, the only romance options available to you will be male.

the comic already had a ftm tranny Tevinter reformer, bet its going to make a cameo
retard, in origins alone there's 2 gay romance you can choose, there's Rivaini and Chasind everywhere, dont act like Origins is full of pure White Straight Aryans in it

Fuck this teal, purple and blue color aesthetics in games these troons keep pushing

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That logo looks like some fag's youtube image for absolutely horrible ost remixes. And nobody likes Solas.


Please become a statistic.

i'm tired of magenta-core

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>you disagree therefore youre a tranny
rotten brain, just like trannies
consider killing yourself to save yourself a pathetic and insignificant life

the game's actually gonna revolve around solas? yikes

Nigger they literally ended the last game with Solas telling you his le ebil plan


How about they show the game running?

>Use the iconic Bad dragon purple color
>gay month

The logo looks like a label for a shitty craft beer

We aren't ready for this level of faggotry

I am getting DA4 and ME5 day 1 unironically and I am completely serious.

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>Go from a blight to a demon king invasion to an eleven god invasion across 10 years.
Is the fabric of Thedas itself falling apart or something? Fucking hell. Will pirate and delete out of spite.

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