Oblivion: What difficulty?

I tried it out a few times throughout the years but always dropped because combat was too easy and boring (as a 2H weapons guy). Played a lot of Skyrim from 2011 to 2016. Unmodded.
I used to play Skyrim on Master difficulty on release, but after about a year switched down to Expert, because I found it to be the most believable in damage received/damage dealt (although I would prefer enemies to deal even more damage, but not have bloated HP's like on master)

I am wondering what is a fun character to play in Oblivion and on difficulty that would be equivalent of what I described about Skyrim?

In Skyrim my favorite to play is 2H orc or redguard with their crazy racial abilities or a shield guy who knocks everyone around.
I like also 2H characters who use magic excluding healing

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I wouldn't know, I use cheats to max level and play it in too easy just to enjoy the story and write fanfics of my gay imperial Champion of Cyrodiil fucking his cute gay boyfriend Martin Septim.

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I always played it on standard difficulty and turned the difficulty to max in mid or late game when it got too easy. But I think I played skyrim on normal as well, so you might want to max out difficulty right from the start and see how it goes

The actual best would be some mod that reregulates the difficulty damages. In vanilla, lets say the "normal" is middle and a bit to the right, like 66% or 70. Its really a rollercoaster because the moment a new enemy type spawns it throws the balance off a cliff.

In Fallout3, which wasn't a favorite of mine but I got some enjoyment, I found if you left the difficulty at mid or so, and made a character with 1 STR and 1 END, (along with the hardcore realism mod sometimes) it made the game much more challenging and fun.

Not OP here, but does anyone know good mod guides for Oblivion similar to that of Viva New Vegas and TTW? Wanting to replay Oblivion for the first time in years and I want some mods to patch it and make it compatible with my 1440p 165hz monitor and less crashes etc. Thanks in advance.

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All TES and Fallout game are best on the lowest difficulty.

It is better to lower the difficulty to balance the game out.

Just look for modding guides on YouTube

Kill yourself Farquaad

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does my build just suck? playing this game for the first time, long blade and acrobatics. level 20 right now and combat is pretty hard the moment there's more than one enemy, though of course I cna outrun most of them at this point

The game is unbalanced as fuck, lower the difficulty slider until you find the sweet spot where it isn't too easy and not too hard.

>lower the difficulty
I'm not a pussy

>level 20
Basically endgame, your build should be all but complete by now. You need to stack busted custom enchantments and potions/poisons/spells to get anything done at that point since Oblivion gets harder the more you play.

Just use the unofficial oblivion patch and dxvk's directx9 implementation
get it here github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases/tag/v1.10.1
just drag the x32 d3d9.dll and dxgi.dll into its program folder
you'll never get crashes like this
thanks again linux bros

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Enjoy playing the game in an unbalanced state then. The more you play the more unbalanced it will get and you will get raped over and over.

>level 20
>end game
Lol wut

Alright thanks

That's when Daedric gear starts spawning, there's nowhere to go after that unless you're a genuine autist clearing out the same caves for the hundredth time to grind up past 30, or even worse, try to go for the level cap which is around 55 iirc.

All he needs is the OblivionXP mod. Then the entire game is fixed.

dxvk also gives significantly better framerate than real dx9 these days, really most old games benefit from it
you'll know dxvk is working when it generates that Oblivion_d3d9.log file

If you mod the game you are faggot. STFU go make your own thread if you talk about modding.
2011 to 2022 I played skyrim unmodded, because I know how to find and have fun in the game without third party shit

>t. shiteating consolebabby

Ok, you've been a great help user.