E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy

What the hell am I doing in this game?

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My legs are OK

You gain brouzouf

is this game a hidden gem or just eurojunk?


Both. It's a janky gem that people fawn over because of how absurd its translation is.

You're killing those dirty-ass Jians, man.

Its just a standard source fps with a cool setting and skills.

Im getting filtered by the hacking rn. Im at the level where there are combat sentries that one shot you and I don't have the patience to sit and hack every single turret. I rq and when I started my game again I can no longer hack the outside door to even get in.

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I am posting here and going away forever to say that this is the best motherfucking game ever done did made in the entire fucking world
fuck you

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Is it best to play blind or with a guide?

You must break your cycles of guilt, anons.

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Everything about this game is amazing expect for playing it
Just don't even try
It's awful

You talk like someone with a guilty consciousness.

"You must break your cycles of guilt."

It's truly astounding to me how jank the game was and bad a translation it was still managed to touch profundity as it did, and so many disparate, strange aesthetic elements combined to such an unforgettable piece. Honestly really reminds me of Cyberpunk for the level of jank and feeling, and I love both.

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I've always seen people say the english translation is bad, but I never really bothered checking it, since i'm french.

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Is this game good for co op?

pretty sure they are only quoting a video cause it's coherent enough.
define good cause only the host get's the mission updates but on the flipside you can bring 31 friends along.

Well shit, there you go. I mean, that'd make it easier, but it's really just jank in terms of bad punctuation/captialization/visual grammar, it's otherwise mostly intact from what I can tell. People just get thrown off by the occultish references and heightened language and get confused. What shows way more is the occasional voice acting, very tinny and odd so that doesn't help.

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Do you sense that ?

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