Why does he have a town on his head

Why does he have a town on his head

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Because representation of zanarkand or something

I can't even tell what I'm looking at

Sin supposedly is a shell that wraps around the Final Aeon. Maybe its made of pieces of Zanarkand?

>20 years later
>still dont understand the story of FFX

That's new york, yep.

Fun fact, when you fall through the ice at Lake Macalania, Sin comes to save you and the place you're at is the city on top of it.

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>big war between two cities 1000 years before start of ffx
>city 1 uses summoners to fight (zanarkand) city 2 uses machina to fight (bevelle)
>zanarkand is losing
>yevon (leader of zanarkand) says fuck this and does some crazy spell that sacrifies a bunch of people (turns them into fayth actually, which are basically batteries for a dream) and that creates a giant whale thing that can fuck your shit up
>a piece of zanarkand (the city) is on top of the whale now, but an actual re-creation of the city exists as a dream (so it's not real) because of the fayth (battery people) all of this is so yevon can keep ruling
>the whale exists as long as yevon exists as a spirit inside the whale and keeps making the fayth (the sacrificed people) keep this fake zanarkand dream city of his keep going
>p.s tidus was a part of the REAL zanarkand city (sort of, it was actually a guy called shuuyin but this is irrelevant to ffx and only found out in ffx-2) but he died, tidus as we know him only exists in the "dream" version of the city
>FFX starts
>tidus is chillin in dream zanarkand
>summoners have to go on a quest where they die at the end and this re-summons the whale after a year of peace (the whale is basically being put back together under the ocean for this time and so people don't fear being attacked
>tidus the dream guy is brought to actual real life spira because jecht (his dad) is a chad and was sacrificed in a previous summoner quest to become the next whale (summoners select someone to basically be the host for the whale and you turn into it after a year of prep time)
>ffx shit happens
>tidus doesn't want yuna to die at the end of her quest
>they break cycle
>go inside whale and beat up yevon (now called yu yevon)
>whale dead
>fayth can finally stop dreaming fake zanarkand
>all the fake people now stop existing (including tidus)
>whale gone
ffx-2 brings tidus back thanks to the fayth rewarding yuna or something idk
then he dies because of a bomb in a book idk

ok makes perfect sense now

not really

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Oh and the reason why machines are so frowned upon is if you build too many machines in one place the whale gets fuckin pissed (because yu yevon hates machines since they are the cause of him losing the war) and will specifically target locations with lots of machines or heavy duty machinery.
The yevon religion is basically MACHINE BAD because of this.

bro its easy to digest, just dumb story


>(because yu yevon hates machines since they are the cause of him losing the war)

Adding to that, also if machines go unchecked spira could eventually develop such high level tech where they could basically make a big ass submarine to go underwater and nuke the whale. So no machine development is allowed

Man, the plot of X is incredibly interesting but the melodramatic shit writing completely ruins it.

It's what's left of the original Zanarkand that was destroyed when Yu Yevon summoned Sin while he transported everyone else to dream Zanarkand which exists some miles off the coast of Spira.

It's a piece of Zanarkand you idiot.

>the music and atmosphere of FF-X

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>tidus is shuyin
Nah hes a clone bro

Also notable is that Yevon isn't even sapient after his summoning. He's just a spiritual parasite that exists to rebuild Sin. Sin is on autopilot with only limited instructions, so Spira is essentially stuck in a vaguely anachronistic tribal age for thousands of years because trying to advance or growing too big for too long means the death whale rolls up and obliterates your society with gravity magic.

The primary antagonist of FFX is basically just a big club with an if-then statement on it. It's not even really an animal. Jecht has a little bit of ability to influence the big club to not smash his kid immediately, but even that is temporary.

now tell about the part where tidus washes up on a beach and kicks a grenade and has his head torn off

we don't talk about that

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what the fuck is that underwater ruins that tidus and rikku dive to at the beginning of the game and then never return

It's where they find and salvage the airship Fahrenheit.