Why are open world games so boring?

Why are open world games so boring?

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>hur dur why don't they change the chinese logo? why not the middle eastern logo?
stop trying to fuck with other countries when it's not part of their culture. america is america. stop trying to colonize when you pretend to want stuff

So western culture is being gay and black?

I pretty much exclusively play open world games now. If it's not an open world game it's going to be a story driven game and story driven games are totally gay and if you play them you catch the gay.

More like;
>lol these companies literally don't give a shit about faggot month or celebrating shit dick or cutting off your dick and instead just pander to the braindead retarded americans who mindlessly accept their corporate overlords bullshit


Yes. Go throw a faggot off a roof if you want things to change

And Irish and Italian yes


Hey, Morb!

Attached: morb.jpg (960x500, 43.21K)

>hooting and hollering in the theatre
why are americans

>6 years later and this is the best resonse the left could come up with

>corporations don't care, they just want to sell you products
yes, don't care, the flags still cause every chud in existence to seethe for an entire month and they help normalize lgbt culture
>but don't you understand, the corporations never cared about gay people
yes, don't care, the flags still cause every chud in existence to seethe for an entire month and they help normalize lgbt culture

Why don't you try to normalize it in the middle east?

>help normalize lgbt culture

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That's the American Imperial culture. So, yes.

You lack imagination and the ability to challenge yourself

You lack a vagina, you will never be a real woman

yeah surely if we look at statistics we don't see more and more people identify as lgbt every year right

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zoomeroids aren't people

whatever helps you sleep at night

fucking ape.