It's actually a decent modern stealth game. Controls are functional and competent...

It's actually a decent modern stealth game. Controls are functional and competent. Nice range of gadgets and the levels are fun. There's an argument to be made about it feeling watered down compared to CT but it's still better than the half-baked pseudo stealth systems we've come to expect from most AAA and Ubishit games by virtue of it being an actual stealth game.

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MGS Ground Zeroes came out a year later and did everything better

Too bad it was a demo (barely even) and the full game was a dumpster-fire.

It's the best stealth game
It's the only stealth game where it's designed not to have you interact with any enemies in any way to achieve the best score for stealth.

MGSV is a close second

Grim's missions are kino

I bought this for Series X today. Haven't played a SC game since Conviction in 2010. Should be great

Yeah. It's genuinely a relatively decent stealth game. Way better than Conviction. Thank you, Jade, for making Splinter Cell great again. But why did you make Sam Fisher such an asshole? The bitterness of his character in Conviction was understandable but he's just kind of a dick to everyone in Blacklist for no reason. Except Grim. The one person he probably should hate he just instantly forgives and is cordial with.

>It's the only stealth game where it's designed not to have you interact with any enemies in any way
what about that mission where your plane is overrun by dudes on the runway and youre forced into combat? what about that mission thats a literal first person shooter? it poops in convictions mouth but it still has big problems

All of the SC games have a forced combat section

Most of them are too easy though, because they have a forced stealth requirement so they had to be balanced to be accessible to the chad meathead action player. Those who get panther and assault points after a mission.

worst parts of every game. chaos theory was so close to being perfect

Sam is not Garrett. He wasn't even really a spy. He's a soldier. Until he joined the Splinter Cell unit his entire history was as a military combatant.

why does that mean they needed to ruin the bathouse mission and make it borderline impossible to S-rank. Stealth should always be an option

Splinter Cell was never good. These games were depressing as hell even. So dark, so generic. Very mediocre games. The first game has to be the most saddest game I have ever played. It is such a product of its time. I struggled to get through it. Everything is so dark and drab. Just made me want to kill myself. I've never played any other games that put me in such a low mood like Splinter Cell games did.

>Stealth should always be an option
That's not what Splinter Cell is about. Splinter Cell is about finding people who would do harm to the US and killing them. That is explicitly what their purpose is.

Splinterr cell was never good user see

its a stealth game series homie. you are forced into combat like twice in the entirety of chaos theory. two times in like 10 hours. The only way to get S-ranks is pure stealth.
get out zoomer. splintercell is great for the most part. the gameplay, the music, the voiceacting, all of it.

Better yet, if you really want to insist on there being story beats where combat happens, why not balance the rating system so the game actually takes into consideration the fact that some situations simply can't be solved in all possible ways? Hitman 2 Silent Assassin does that. In a mission where it's completely unreasonable to stealthily assassinate the target without killing one guard, the stealth rating allows you to have two kills. The target, and one extra. In a SC action scene it should work the same way. If you get through the stealthy parts of the mission with full stealth, then that's your rating. When the combat part hits, you are assessed based on your combat skill, aka you get 0 points if you die and full points if you survive.
I think it's unreasonable for a stealth game to assess the player for their ability to play stealthily, but also to make it so that the player cannot apply stealth long enough to avoid all engagements. If you're going to cheat me and remove my cover, then you don't get to judge me based on your failure to allow me the opportunity to sneak. Even terrible games like Metal Gear don't actually give you worse stealth rank because of the fact that boss fights get you detected in a cutscene and you're forced to fight them. It's the game's fault, so the player isn't penaltized.

>its a stealth game series homie
No. It's a tactical espionage action series.

>Splinter Cell is about finding people who would do harm to the US and killing them. That is explicitly what their purpose is.
Blacklist actually demonstrates that it's not always the case. The Fifth Freedom is not the license to kill, it is the license to do whatever it takes to protect the other freedoms. Every Echelon agent exercises the Fifth Freedom in different ways in Blacklist, and Sam is the one who never exercises it with murder. Anna lies to the potus, and risks international incidents by predator-droning a Tehran highway. Griggs executes the US secretary of defense. And Sam kidnaps the antagonist and sends him to be tortured on a black site.

I think it's wonderful but the writing, humor, acting and some aspects of game mechanics and level design have absolutely nothing on Chaos Theory.
They should have made Briggs the main character and kept Ironside as Fisher replacing Lambert's role.

then why do I have less fun and get a shitty rank if I play it like an action game? stealth is VERY MUCH the intended way to play.
This would be better than what we have, but I would still much rather they just stopped with the forced action. Let me choose to play that way if I make that choice for myself, otherwise stick to being a stealth game

>Sam is the one who never exercises it with murder
That's just wrong. At one point he gets angry because his partner wouldn't murder someone and then he accepts him back into the fold at the end of the game after his partner kills an American citizen "for the greater good". He doesn't even so much as scold Grim over all those innocent people she killed to protect him. Sam has killed hundreds of people. The idea he has any qualms with killing whatsoever is complete nonsense. Canonically he killed his best friend just "for the greater good". You're an idiot. Sam is devoted to only two things, his family and his country, and he will do virtually anything to protect both.