Warhammer Franchise Up to 90% Off in Massive Steam Sale

So what we getting boys? Personally I'll be holding off until atleast christmas to support my family but I want to wishlist what's good

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Buy every game right now, unless you're HAHAHAAH POOOOOOR HAHAHAHAHA

Im not giving money to GW.

I'm not poor I'm just on a strict budget

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Me too

But if it`s low enough i might

I get my free Chaos on GOG and thats it.

that 1998 jank doesn't really hold up compared to modern 40k

How is Battlesector and Mechanicus??????? Are they worth it on sale?

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mechanicus is good, battlesector is ok. get it if you like blood angels.

Battlesector is pretty fun at times but I dropped it once I heard about the game stealing data and shit.

Are they like XCOM 2 in terms of gameplay?

Anything that's good isn't out yet.

more like darkest dungeons mixed with hoi4

Pretty much but you are controlling squad of marines instead of just an individual except vehicles. The game is not as difficult as XCOM 2 for sure and no base management only upgrades. There is a point system similar to the tabletop counterpart, each game set a limit for you and you can't just fill every big guns you have.

mechanicus is very xcom-y, but there is no rng. if you can shoot it you can hit it. the non-combat parts are sort of like the dungeon crawling parts of darkest dungeon like this user said >0
IDK where the HOI4 comparison comes from though.

HOI4 because it's military strategy

Seems like a good deal to me.

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why is the dawn of war bundle so inflated

Thanks, Gabe.

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there's no shame in having different priorities. just stop buying games until you can spare the cash without it affecting anything else in your life.