Why are jap devs like this?

why are jap devs like this?

Attached: 1654137478401.gif (540x280, 2.64M)

Explain feet



nature's way of perfecting the art of fitting a square peg into a round hole
oh wait you meant foot fetish?
smooth sensitive skin or something and lots of curves, 20% chance of being caused by femdomfaggotry or BO fetish


>choosing pussy kunai over twat viper
It's like you are choosing to gimp yourself.

Attached: e52b38df67582d8e8a6941551be7efc3.gif (500x369, 947.51K)


Attached: nuwa.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

>character being barefoot is important to the plot
Die Hard did it first sorry.

You Spam all boards with the same shitty question. I call it chopped dick syndrome.

i doubt that "jap devs" would be on topic to most boards

Nioh is amazing

if you can't appreciate every part of a woman's body then you are a faggot.

Attached: dexter.png (1600x1200, 73.4K)

Is OP the first or the second?

>if wouldn't rub/insert your dick on every part of a woman's body then you are a faggot.

It's the first one.

Yes, get lost trannoid

nobody would expect you to use your feet to throw or hold a weapon.
plus mastering the 'monkey feet' technique comes in handy for when your hands are full.
also it just looks freaking cool to toss shit with your feet.

that's how I show appreciation.

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where'd that kunai drop from
