How do you feel about vidya analysiseses, which are your favorite oneses?

how do you feel about vidya analysiseses, which are your favorite oneses?

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Gollum, is that you?

Angry videogame Nerd

read the rules

i only watch video analysis on games i like which is none

I've still never played the first 3 silent hills. Though I've never spoiled myself on what anything.

I could understand watching something like this if it gave you background info about the game that you wouldn't find in the game itself, but just listening to somebody's take on a game? Why would you care?

So, Silent Hill is 100 percent going to be in State of Play tomorrow right? Why else are there a million Silent Hill threads?

This video is unironically good, I missed a lot of shit about the game plot in retrospect

I like Tim Rogers videos.

It really depends. A lot of the people doing commentary on youtube aren't that smart and think that summarizing the plot of a game beat by beat is the same as an analysis or review. But I'm down to watch a video with a unique take or insightful commentary.

I don't really like them. They usually feel pretentious and are viewed through rose tinted glasses. I'd rather see what the devs say about it.

I hate this guy based on his thumbnails alone and also the way he talks.

unironically so do i. Ended up listening to the whole CB77 review, Really want to cop japanese jackets now

His Dragon Quest 11 review was decent but he's a massive arrogant faggot and all his other reviews are intolerable

I loved every minute of these

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It quite literally depends on who's making them. Most people that do them are honestly just really shit at it and bring up the most brainlet takes possible.

Unironically tehsnakerer's YIIK review

i listen to them all the time and i use them as background noise because I can't find any good podcast or radio channel or something like that and I'm too lazy to torrent some series.

>I don't really like them. They usually feel pretentious and are viewed through rose tinted glasses. I'd rather see what the devs say about it.
there's a huge market for that too bad most devs never say anything about their games

You anons DO realize the appeal of these videos is to listen to someone talking about a video game you like, right? Trying to make them shorter doesn't make sense.
People don't watch them for concise and new information. They just want to feel like they're having a converation with a friend about a cool vidya they love. They last the same as a diner with a friend, or a visit to the cinema. It's not that big of a deal. You're just approaching them with the wrong mindset. It's like a podcast except there's only one person.

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I find Jacob Geller the most interesting.

Do you guys think he'll analyze SH4 or end it with SH3?

There was a real arms race for who can make the longest most vapid video game analysis video back when matthewmatosis still made reviews. While his were actually interesting, the copycats just bloat their shit needlessly.

cool if there is actually interesting information about the game or its development I guess but it seems like often it's just some airhead padding out a wikipedia summary for likes and subsribes. the whole videogame essay phenom

Since I put them in the background and rarely listen to them, I mainly want to find funny people with pleasant, neutral accents who have a good cadence and have non-pseud takes and are self-aware.

he's pretty smart for a streamer, decent voice, decent sense of humor, he sounds like a fag sometimes though, and he has those weird quirks in his voice like John Carmack, I don't know how to describe them. It's like he tenses his throat muscles and makes the sound go deeper and inwards, like a faggot or like a woman.
His Silent hill 2 series is 10/10. The best on youtube.
silent hill
souls series
warcraft 3
resident evil
>two best friends matt and pat
dumb but funny and decent
really dumb guy (he's a full time streamer) but maybe that's his shtick. He's pretty funny though, his voice is alright, he doesn't scream or yell. He has a good let's play of that kojima game, I really liked that one.
some new channel I found, he has a good video on war3 here:

>ross (accursed farms)
annoying hillbilly voice, incredibly pseud takes, no talent when it comes to talking, doesn't even know how to play the games, shallow knowledge. There's only 1 exception, his Deus Ex video is really great.
>aesir aesthetics
I thought this faggot was Greek or something. He has a really funny accent, which is ok, and his vids are decent but a bit pseud. I saw he has some vids with some bitch, his fat emo cutter gf maybe, avoid them.
>that homo guy with a whiny voice who makes suicidal/self-deprecating jokes
you know him. Avoid. He's a tranny, he has pseud takes, he paints his nails and his humor is brain damage. He's what I think the average Any Forumstard is like. Tranny, retarded, pseud, etc.

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>cool if there is actually interesting information about the game or its development I guess but it seems like often it's just some airhead padding out a wikipedia summary for likes and subsribes. the whole videogame essay phenom
this. They're rarely entertaining, interesting, funny, etc. And most voices are annoying to listen to.


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This, so many "Analysis / retro spectives" is some autist playing a game and explaining what's happening beat by beat, even leafy clone does this with Far Cry 3, and the free mods.
You end up with around 20-30 minutes of actual analysis of the game, so unless a game is absurdly long or dense with themes, most games don't need more than that timeframe to do a true analysis.

They come out when Matt McMuscles says something factually incorrect.

>mandalore, ssethtzeentach, two best friends matt and pat
>dumb but funny and decent
Brain damaged.

It sounds gay but everyone can have a different take on something that you may have not considered before. Even if you watch a lot of these videos. There's always the chance of a new insight

Nah, it's his worst video in a while. I thought he was getting better at cutting down on repetition in his writing, but this feels like it was written by a version of him from five years ago. I was getting bored just from listening to it while doing other shit.