MH Sunbreak might have two new big maps and one could be Jungle. There is no footage of Citadel with palm trees like that

Get ready for Congalala

Attached: 1654114320763.webm (1280x720, 2.08M)

Other urls found in this thread:



The Astalos reveal as well doesn't look like Flooded Forest or Citadel and rain would be new too

What could be jungle-related returning monsters besides the fart ape?

Attached: 785.jpg (1242x1294, 196.78K)


not getting my hopes up

Seltas Queen

Maybe Kecha Wacha?

Attached: MH4-Kecha_Wacha_Render_001.png (875x1061, 638.11K)


That would be comfy

Reminder: Rondine has paintings of the jungle beach and Yukomo Village in Rise.

At the 1:01 mark theres an area that looks more 'junglier'. It's probably just another area on the citadel.

Doesn't match at all

Fuck yes

Other options would include this fat of ass.

Attached: proxy-image (30).png (926x585, 1.31M)

So either we get two locales or Citadel will be the best locale ever put in a MH game

>Yian Kut Ku
>Yian Garuga
>Seltas Queen
>Gold Rathian
Uknown Black Dragon

how the fuck do I enjoy monster hunter again I played Rise and got my shit kicked in with every single weapon YES I tried playing every single one of the weapons and I felt like shit on all of them

Looks like the forest/sap swamp area where Garagolm's turf is

have you played a mon hun before rise?

oh jayzis...

Attached: 109483.jpg (899x514, 88.8K)

as retarded as it sounds
this dumb idiot would legit make me buy the game+sunbreak.
>playing Gen
>hammer idiot vs hammer idiot monster
>a duel of bonk

My Theory:
The 5 maps leak was true, but they decided to release each map in a content update with monsters matching the map's theme. That's why they haven't showed any other map besides the Citadel for now.
OP's vid was added as demo before the change, and no one noticed it wasn't the citadel

Why does it look so much worse than World?
Isn't it newer? Why does it look so clunky?


only world but I got filtered by iceborne

Already have a suitable map for Tidal too

could it not be the outer edges of citadel? I really doubt we're getting another map, even if its a returning one. Its probably just a guiding lands equivalent

Unkown, the Mysterious Flying Wyvern is a near mythical monster that appears similar to a Rathalos with black scales.

Some think its the male equivalent of Zerureusu which looks like a white and blue rathian but the extreme rarity makes that unviable.

One of the theories is that its simply a emerging subspecies or that Rathalos are beginning to evolve into a new species of Black Elder Dragon.

Attached: E8UM5a_XoAQ1GFz.jpg (1319x889, 146.98K)

They confirmed "multiple locales" and the tetsucabra in todays video and the stinger reveal of Astalos/Raizex shows palm trees and bamboo that don't match ones in Rise but match the Jungle map from Dos/Freedom Unite.

hello where is proofs

They meant Tetranadon
