Ever since getting to Mountaintop of the Giants I'm seriously considering just dropping this game...

Ever since getting to Mountaintop of the Giants I'm seriously considering just dropping this game. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong. I'm level 132 with 50 VIG and a Blasphemous Blade +10. I just feel horribly underleveled with the way seemingly everything seems able to drop me in 2-3 hits, the bosses feel like a non-stop carnival of bullshit at this point, and it just doesn't feel fun.

Do you just need to run some Bleed focused build to not feel like you're back at the start of the game walking around naked? Can't remember any other From game where the endgame made it feel like everything you'd done up to that point had been pointless.

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There's nothing really there aside from Castle Sol and a straight line to fire giant. jkust do those objectives and continue on

shut up bitch

That's where I stopped my solo playthrough as well, the game just feels like it's ramping up with the ball kicking and I don't like it anymore.
I started a new coop playthrough now with the seamless coop mod and holy shit is the beginning of game super easy, and now after going through alot of the game already the jump in health and damage of enemies from limgrave to liurnia is huge and noticeable

Idk, I beat the game with the pre-nerf night and flame's sword.

Ur just ass, i got there lv 70 and i never felt that way. On my first playthrough and first souls game

132 is actually over levelled for that area.

Learn to fucking dodge properly, like holy fuck you goddamn retards think you can just take the hits even with high hp but forget its a goddamn fromsoftware game

For all anons running into this:

There are some games where the point is to constantly keep up with the difficulty and danger of enemies getting stronger.

To meet those demands, you'll have to figure out a way to make yourself stronger. To optimize picking certain things for the limited space and options you have. That's the *whole* point of games like that. To minmax and optimize and think and leverage.

If you don't like that tension of having to keep up, those games (like Path of Exile and other action RPGs) will just feel like work to you.

You want the action, not the RPG part.

In my opinion there's very few actual RPG's where you can build the character you want and then play through the game. RPG is now synonymous with "numbers optimization" and not "I want to create my own flavor of character".

Or you could literally just finish the story you autist. Mtotg has nothing but one boss and then it's the end of the game

>and blashpemous blade +10

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I beat the game at 120. I'm on ng+6 at 155. The fact you're using BLASPHEMOUS FIXKING BLADE and are saying this is absurd.

I dropped my playthrough a little after this (crumbling farum or whatever). It just gets so tedious and boring.

You're not supposed to fight every dinodog and giant.

When I use the Blasphemous Blade it feels like I'm cheating, how the fuck are you still struggling?

Sounds like a skill issue.

Elden ring coddled retards like OP so much that they can use mimic blasphemous blade bhs bleed shit and still cry. Literally have one of the highest dps weapons in the game, with an insanely broken weapon art, that fucking heals you. And is crying. KEK.

>with the way seemingly everything seems able to drop me in 2-3 hits
Have you tried NOT facetanking hits? By that point in the game you've seen almost every enemy type, so you should be familiar with their patterns and can avoid getting hit 99% of the time.

>everything seems able to drop me in 2-3 hits
same as early in the game, no? What about 3 hits killing you seems unfair? You can also just respec and put more point into vigor.

levels are almost entirely irrelevant.
why the fuck did people forget this?

>the way seemingly everything seems able to drop me in 2-3 hits,

Excluding overleveling, when has any dark souls game allowed you to get away with being hit 3 times by any enemy?

Get fucking good.

I'm using a +10 Blasphemous Blade as well with 35 vigor and kicking ass ( and before you ask, no spirit ashes or summons ).

Unironically git gud

The weirdest thing is that nothing after the snow areas (MotG/Snowfield) is as shitty as these two areas. These areas are just fucking horrid all-around bloated ass.
Like the first enemy you run into is a gaggle of fucking Zamor knights just ploppled in one shitty ruin, inexpicably with a Mining Bell.
Meanwhile I dreaded going to Haligtree and I thought it was great, Farum Azula was fine other than dragons wasting my time, etc.

No they aren't, you sound like a lv200 ng shitter


Go fight the boss in the giants hero grave.

I powerstanced twin blades and did like 1.5k damage per jump attack. I'm fucking awesome and probably the best player here. anyone with a problem can let me know so i can deal with you, NOW.

>Excluding overleveling

But that's the point. OP is overleveled and it's still happening. Basically you're saying Vigor is a meaningless stat if, no matter what you do, everything in the game can kill you in two hits.

Yeah I know about that one and the one with the Soreseal in the evergaol, but they were spaced out. Here you just find the entire population of them copy-pasted in a crappy crumbly cuck-ruin and that's it, thats the Zamors.

in other words, you did not beat the game

It is perfectly acceptable to just use Torrent to skip all of Consecrated Snowfield and Mountaintops of the Giants.

Just don't forget to say 'hi' to Goldmask ans laugh at Corren.

>op is overleveled
>lvl 130 not even at the vigor soft cap

I'm laughing.

lol 20 or even 30 levels aren't going to help quit exposing yourself as a dumb newfag.

I got there at around level 110 in my blind playthrough, went through the 3 or so locations in the area and killed the fire giant without much issue with a basic bitch fth/str build, and I fucking suck at the game. Nothing popped out to me as being particularly bad or out of place. I really don't get the complaints unless they're from people rushing through the game or from people playing characters with zero ranged options, and that shit's on you

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OP here. I never said I was struggling with it or dying non-stop. I said that it's not fun feeling this weak despite being at what's traditionally a high level in a From game and that the enemy designs are cheap bullshit that isn't fun to fight against.

>doesn't feel fun
poor you

Then it isnt inexplicable then is it you obtuse moron.

You have a maxed blasphemous blade and you're 30 levels higher than most people beat the base game without malenia or mogh. It's a you problem. It's always a you problem when anyone says some bogus shit about ER. This game is by far one of the most tame they've made. There's just a certain type of person that goes smoothbrain over it. That's me with sekiro, but its not their easiest title and it's replay value is actual piss so who cares about that shit game.

>i never said I was struggling
hit multiple times per encounter

You can do NG at Vig 40. OP is at 50 and is still SHIT. It's an obvious skill problem.

Yes it is, cause its designed like shit.

These are the kind of people that use the seamless co-op mod.

I agree with you. Limgrave, Liurnia, Caelid and Altus Plataeu were kino and I thought this was the greatest From game yet, but Mountaintops made me stop playing it for a week. But I got on with it though was rarely enthusiastic about it (Farum Azula and Haligtree were fantastic, even though the Haligtree was hard as fuck) but yeah, Mountaintops hurts the game a lot. Its a bullshit difficulty spike and there's no new enemies, at least every previous region had its own unique group of enemies and the different armies with unique abilities/elemental attacks