I'm just roaming Limgrave aimlessly for 5 hours and i wish it would stay like this

Only now i got ER and i'm just traveling around with my horse, not knowing and not caring about what to do, while listening to some music, i don't need to care yet about complex builds and mechanics, enemies are a lil bit challenging but fair enough to beat without worrying too much, i hit a guy here, another there, interact with some shit, see beautiful scenarios and level designs, its the most fun i had in decades in gaming. Remind me of how i felt doing this in gta as a kid.
I just wish the game could be several areas of this, instead of the natural hardcore souls autism the game will surely force me to do to progress soon...

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The open world gets so boring half-way into limgrave that I started fast traveling everywhere.
It's not like the game even tries to be immersive so I don't feel too bad for doing that.

use summons then when its hard

Nice OP, sounds like you're enjoying yourself. I put 30 hours into the game before even entering Stormveil. Just have fun and explore the shit out of everything, because later in at the endgame you're gonna be heading towards the last few bosses and will be happy you explored Limgrave and the early areas while you were low level and exploring them was fun.

There's plenty of more stuff to see in the south too, towards the Weeping Peninsula. Love that area and the atmosphere too. Try go along the beaches and feel the ocean breeze too. Even going east into Caelid is completely acceptable at this level. Then after Stormveil there's plenty more to explore.

Nothing in Elden Ring beats exploring the first two-thirds of the game. It is the peak ER gameplay.

You sound like you have no friends, to post something like this.

You sound like a massive fag, to post something like this.

Do you have ADHD?

posting about video games.. ON A VIDEO GAME BOARD???????????

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When are you supposed to do Caelid? I got destroyed there every time I went early on and assumed it was supposed to be late game area. I've just reached the Altus plateau.

the first playthrough where you know nothing is the best
>hardcore souls autism
don't worry, spirit summons mitigate some of that

a good time is when Ranni's quest forces you to go fight Radhan

I believe the order of things is something like:
Limgrave > Weeping > Stormveil > Raya Lucaria > Caelid (South) > River wells of Liurnia and Limgrave (Siofra and the other one) > Nokron > Altus > ...

Of course you can do things at whatever time you want. I personally did Limgrave > Weeping > Caelid > Stormveil > Liurnia > Siofra > Radahn > etc...

If you haven't already, check out the big manor in the north-west of Liurnia, and explore the bottom left of Liurnia thoroughly as well. The cliffs area and west of that.

Don’t worry about it dude, seriously just play the game and don’t anticipate problems and you will find that the feeling you’re describing lasts a good long while

Stop shilling this unbalanced jank trash. We've had enough ER threads.


Same bro. Last time I played such an immersive and amazing open world was Assassin's Creed Odyssey. They don't make them like they used to.

>Last time I played such an immersive and amazing open world was Assassin's Creed Odyssey
This has got to be bait.

>hardcore souls autism
the game literally gives you a skip boss button (summons)

Project much?

Just play the game blind. Is the best way

Not him but for all odyssey's problems I genuinely loved running around ancient greece.

only the scarlet rot underground area feels like a genuine dark souls area.

>the game will surely force me to do to progress soon
Why are you letting the game's shitty pacing dictate what you do? I like to start up new characters, fuck around for many hours, slay Margit and Godfrey, declare myself Lord of All That Is Golden and call it a day. Melina can suck my tiny little balls, fuck the Elden Tree, fuck being Elden Lord.
It's like Dark Souls 1: the first chunks of the game are amazing and fun then it turns to shit in the last half.