This made Any Forums shid & piss their pants

this made Any Forums shid & piss their pants

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Pssshhh.... Nothing personell, kid.

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ahhh the fight that made me start using mimic tear

>mimic + Malenia's sword
both these chucklefucks died so fast I had to stand around and wait for one to respawn

there is no conceivable way you organically found Malenia's sword when you first encountered these guys.

That being said, it's a piss easy fight.

They are one of THE latest bosses in the game.

I don't get how this was super hard. It was challenging, sure, but it took like 5 tries with melee only no gimmick items
>Hide behind pillars from fireballs/to heal, becomes a race to play aggressively and kill them before all pillars are destroyed
>The AI of the boss further away slowly walks at you, letting you 1v1 the boss for 5-10 seconds until they've gotten close
>Once 1 boss it dead the fight flips from playing defensively to making sure you're always right on the bosses face so you get to do 50% of its healthbar of free damage when he starts to revive his partner

There's like 3 boss fights left to do after these guise. What are you on about

What? I also had Malenia's sword after killing her before I even set foot on Farum Azula. Clearly you should play the game.

Unironically the double gargolyes were harder
>Use gap closers more often
>Uses ranged ability more often and its harder to dodge
>The gargoyle youre on does the poison aoe that forces you to move back, stopping you from zerging the first one down fast.
>No safespace to heal
>No revive animation that lets you get like 8 free hits in

you didn't find the haligtree.

I beat these fuckers on my first go without summons felt fucking sweet

Sadly now I’m on the final boss and getting my ass handed to me it shouldn’t be that hard but that one the Elden beast throws at you with the heat seeking fire balls kills me every time

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>If i looked up a guide, everyone else has!
lol this again

How am i supposed to know that the pot puts them to sleep

I fucking hate the gargoyles in this game so much dude.

Try them??? There are tools which offer infinite versions of the stronger pots. For instance, there is a sleep sword in the game. Use that to test resistances. Or use a Bleed Weapon to see if you can bleed something...

If they work, craft the more powerful pots. This isn't rocket science. I can't believe people are so fucking stupid. Elden Ring is fucking easy.

>sleeping pots
>double-hand colossal sword
>pump up poise and poise-break
>mimic tear
>batter them like ragdolls
Fun. Somehow I had more trouble with the solo lanklet in Caelid Tower.

By trying various tools when you're getting filtered.
Literally Thinking 101, user.

I found ze albinauric woman, used the medallion, went to snowy land, found a village, did the puzzle, used a portal.
If this was too hard for you to figure out and you had to use a guide for this, actually seek help.

i beat them first try
then i come here and everyone is crying about it like it's impossible
no i didnt summon, not everyone is a baby like you

>dude I just happened to do one of the 120 optional dungeons and found the npc behind an invisible wall to find 1/2 of the key item I needed then I just figured out on my own that I could use that key item at the optional lift that is the only thing in the souls series that has x2 possible functions you switch between and then I just happened to find the specific unmarked area in the literal blinding snow zone that leads to the optional zone with the optional boss

You aren't, but this is the internet age so they don't have to tell you everything in game.

Finding the haligtree is so easy I thought it was the main plot. This is the path:

>Hello I'm speaking to you directly from your inventory to tell you to go to castle Sol which is north from here, this is the only time in the game anything like this will happen this is the most explicit hint in the game
>Good you found my special disks now go to the lift of Rold the item itself also tells you to do this as did the ALBINAURIC WOMAN
>Ooooo follow the lights through the fog to get to the haligtree oooooo I'm a hint ghost ooo
>Entire area obscured so the only thing you can see is the light-up path to the haligtree
>Reach the point all the lights converge, there's a giant door elevated above a town so you can't miss it no matter what angle you approach the town from
>Sign telling you how to open the door located at the door
>Open the door by doing that (there IS a puzzle here, but it's not how to open the door)
>Teleport to somewhere
>It's the haligtree

not the other guy but getting the medalion and going up the lift is pretty easy. i could definitely see some people getting filtered by the blinding snow if you're not tenacious enough.

Master Godskin… thank you… for the great fight… thank you…

there is no indication where she is.
She's in a random dungeon and you have to jump to the conclusion that she's albinauric because no other albinauric you meet looks like her at that point.
She looks human.

God it must be really hard living with an IQ as low as yours.
>I actually chose to explore the game
>Find Albinauric village
>Speak to the NPC there after a message on the ground leads me to him
>Later on find a glowing plant thing after spotting patches on a rock
>An old codger spirit leads me to a cave, all I had to do was follow him
>Do the dungeon
>Find Latenna

Also I actually listen to dialogue and don't speed-read like your ADHD ass.
>Giden Ofnir tells me about the secret medallion halves
>All I have to do is read an item description and it tells me what it does
>Find the other half
>Ok time to use the medallion and see where it goes

We get it, you're completely retarded and hopeless when it comes to games. No need to project it on people who can actually play without guides.

there is no way you organically do this on your first playthrough considering how short the game is.

let me guess, you die and keep trying the same tactic 50 times until you just muscle memory their moveset instead of using your head for a second

I beat them first try with no summons
just be a str chad and hit them with a big stick.

I never got the albinauric woman prompt

>Find the Albinauric woman. She hides in a cave to the west of the Laskyar Ruins which jut from the mist-shrouded lake of Liurnia.

what a cope lmao

so rather than organically discovering it you just spammed reading descriptions to be told where to go.
How is that any different to reading a guide?
You're just reading where to go either way, it's braindead regardless.

*ding ding ding*
did it 1st try

>there is no indication where she is.
Gee I wonder if this Albinauric woman is by chance near the Albinauric village. Anyway I found her by chance by exploring. I've detailed it in this post.

What the other user said is spot on as well. She literally fucking speak to you from your inventory and tells you where to go lmfao.

>can easily find the village close by if you don't adhd zoom your way through the game
>said ALBINAURIC WOMAN tells you about the Haligtree and tells you when you're close to the second medallion
>medallion tells you it's for the same Rold you used before
>snow zone is literally marked with lights that lead directly to the gate puzzle
Bet even a monkey could solve this.

>there is no indication where she is.
Do you skip dialogues or what? There's only one dungeon west of Lyskyar Ruins. Literally ride alongside the cliff and you can't miss it.
>Find the Albinauric woman. She hides in a CAVE TO THE WEST of the Laskyar Ruins which jut from the mist-shrouded lake of Liurnia. She knows the location of the medallion's counterpart, I am sure.

Where the Godskin Groupie at?

>She literally fucking speak to you from your inventory and tells you where to go lmfao.
never happens.

>How is that any different to reading a guide?
Zoomer brain is terminal

This made Any Forums cry and shit on the board for a month straight

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Godskin bros are big babies made by the gloam eyed queen and the sleeping effect of pots and St. Trina items is described as acting like a lullaby

>you didn't organically discover it HOW I MEANT IT aka blind stumbling around which EVEN IF YOU DID I wouldn't believe you anyway
Cope and seethe harder you uber faggot shitter

>never happens.
Sure thing.

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>find mysterious woman at secret spot after clearing a dungeon
>"well she's clearly important, but she don't look like a frog so i guess I should just leave"


I had her in my inventory for over 40 hours and never got a prompt.
Not while exploring Sol or any other zone.

If you think fextralife is a good source, you're an idiot.
Most of the information for Elden Ring, it's mechanics and quests have been proven to be wrong and not been corrected.

What are you trying to say? The haligtree is in no way hidden, all there is to do is find 2 dungeons and you get the key
Only way to miss it is to not explore and miss the dungeons (one being a fuck huge castle shown on the map)

Can confirm I got this exact dialogue as well. Man it feels good actually being good at games.

>move to the falls to the right
>dodge the gargoyles charge
>they fall off

>it doesnt't count because I missed it
Sounds like a (You) problem to me. I got both of her prompts: Sol and the Snowfield one so it's 100% in the game.

Farum Azula. You teleport there in your sleep for some reason after clearing the Mountaintop of Giants