*crunch* *crunch* Y'know, *smack* there's nothing wrong with video games letting you pick your pronouns...

>*crunch* *crunch* Y'know, *smack* there's nothing wrong with video games letting you pick your pronouns. *smack* *smack* Let me tell you why...

Attached: 6cd-1.png (1062x772, 260.64K)

Wow this forced meme is still around?

is it really vomit?

Cheese is rotten milk

This meme is like 5 fucking years old. Stop trying to force it, Hershey and/or Sega employee.

REEE!!! HERSHEY'S BARS DON'T CRUNCH. Its not even one of the ones with nuts REEEEEEE.

Do you really, physically post this poorly aged template garbage or does a bot do it for you?
Both scenarios are sad but one is certainly sadder.

>Do you really, physically post this poorly aged template garbage or does a bot do it for you?
Both scenarios are sad but one is certainly sadder.

Attached: 1653850210232.png (443x523, 11.58K)

>Do you really, physically post this poorly aged template garbage or does a bot do it for you?
>Both scenarios are sad but one is certainly sadder.

Attached: media-22.jpg (452x363, 29.48K)

>Anonymous 06/01/22(Wed)04:58:41 No.600806021▶
>File: 1653850210232.png (12 KB, 443x523)
>12 KB
> >Do you really, physically post this poorly aged template garbage or does a bot do it for you?
> Both scenarios are sad but one is certainly sadder.
>Anonymous 06/01/22(Wed)05:04:21 No.600806279▶
>File: media-22.jpg (29 KB, 452x363)
>29 KB
> >Do you really, physically post this poorly aged template garbage or does a bot do it for you?
> >Both scenarios are sad but one is certainly sadder.
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Attached: 1653899192556.gif (211x252, 767.94K)

intelsirs, not like this...

Attached: 1654020467910.jpg (679x468, 76.4K)

>>Anonymous 06/01/22(Wed)04:58:41 No.600806021▶
>>File: 1653850210232.png (12 KB, 443x523)
>> >Do you really, physically post this poorly aged template garbage or does a bot do it for you?
>> Both scenarios are sad but one is certainly sadder.
>>Anonymous 06/01/22(Wed)05:04:21 No.600806279▶
>>File: media-22.jpg (29 KB, 452x363)
>> >Do you really, physically post this poorly aged template garbage or does a bot do it for you?
>> >Both scenarios are sad but one is certainly sadder.
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>>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.

Attached: soyrilla.gif (900x1200, 802.21K)

why was the california air so cruel to corey?

it is vomit in the same way that water is piss

kill yourself

Attached: afterannihilatingredditbobshadowsetshissightonredditjak.gif (540x304, 3.26M)

I found a way to 100% replicate the vomit taste. While eating it drink gatorade zero, the blue/ice flavor. I don't know what fucking happens to your taste buds but I get filled with the taste of vomit immediately, it's fucking disgusting

>kill yourself

Attached: 1618937157345.jpg (240x254, 20.39K)

Hi Blujo

Epic fail, back you go

Attached: redditjakpatrol.png (904x520, 271.33K)

some real 'ms in this thread

Attached: m 00.png (400x360, 77.62K)

I always hated this meme character. Was there even a joke?

Why were you eating chocolate with gatorade?