If you never used the pouch slots then you are literally braindead

If you never used the pouch slots then you are literally braindead

Attached: elden-ring-pouch.jpg (1800x900, 281.18K)

thats where my horse ring went and my ashes of choice.

>that stealthy approach
Kino, do you think the people that were getting filtered by this game just didn't realize they needed to be stealthy?

But that's where torrent, flash of physik and my one mana estus go.

horse, lantern, fingers and boluses go here

Same but with the lantern and rainbow stones too. I got a lot of use out of those rainbow stones.

I keep my invading finger on my quickbar because I'm retarded and because I'm impatient, I might throw it in the pouch instead.

I initially put estus on there but then I realized one button press is better than two for a heal

so I put lesser used things on the pouch instead

Slot left/up/right: bombs/darts/boluses/buffs
Slot down: Torrent
Slot 5: Telescope
Slot 6: Lantern

Up - Torrent
Down - Telescope
Left - Ashes
Right - Physick
+Crab Meat

It's a skill issue that revolves entirely around the kind of person that would even use stealth to begin with. People who use stealth are as a rule being more careful and actually look around, so they usually find more stuff, get fucked over by ambushes and level design less, and have the time to read the shit they pick up instead of running away and forgetting about it because the item was designed to be bait to get you attacked by a patrolling knight or something.
Like holy shit, what is it with Souls games and people not noticing shit?

>dude im le epic stealthbuild
>still have to fight the gods


Horse berries, the waist lantern, telescope and gold fowl foots during bosses go there.

>see item in open area
>clearly a trap
>pick it up
no I will stop doing this

Unironically part of it is the Fighting Game Community people who came in expecting to smash this "fake fighting game" and getting destroyed because being good at iframes doesn't help you when you don't know how to do anything but charge in like a retard because you're used to small arenas or side-scrolling beat-em-ups. Unironically someone coming into this game from, say, Skyrim or BOTW is really well off by comparison.

blue estus physic

It's not about the build, it's about the mentality, I sneak up and backstab retards in Bullgoat armor with the Watchdog's Staff.

If your flasks weren't in the pouch you're braindead

t. faggot who's never played a fighting game

The menu has a multiplayer tab so I stopped putting it in the pouch
My pouch has crimson left, cerulean right, mixed physick down, horse up
The other two I use for binoculars and lantern.
Also with quick items I usually have the bottom half filled with prism stones, glowstone, soap, etc. The top I use for combat items

you didnt beat the game