

Attached: trood.jpg (1635x617, 170.58K)

Wrong. The Beach Boys suck dick, and Sega has made enjoyable video games.

Brian Wilson will die on the 4th of July.

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imagine being gay
oh wait you don't have to

nintendo is more like weezer
sega is the beach boys and the beatles

I fucking hate the Beatles with a burning passion.

Sony raped you 20 years ago. Move on.

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nobody's arguing sales numbers, retard

Jokes aside The Beach Boys do mog the Beatles and Sega mogs Nintendo, so...

Kinda. Nintendo dominates most of the time, but on the few occasions Sega mogs Nintendo, they mog the FUCK out of them

Gay lord.

4th if July, 2099

Nintendo = Oasis
Sega = Blur/Gorillaz

You're arguing for movies right? That's the only thing sega shit has going for them kek. Can't wait for super NFT flops.

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name one beach boys song that doesn't fade out at the end

Nintendo = The Archie's
Sega = Josey and the Pussycats

I don’t listen to either of those trash bands, boomer

>He thinks Sega will do NFTs even after the market crashed AND Square got fucked into selling their western franchise dirt cheap
This is your brain on anti-Sega autism

That would mean Sega is better which it isn't

So, does it make Atari the Little Richard?

>Brian Wilson will die in your lifetime

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I mean yea they're super games will flop to shit with or without NFT's. Sega loves milking their shit eaters so yes they will probably add them.

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