"Caesar's will is the will of the Legion!"

>"Caesar's will is the will of the Legion!"
> [Speech 100] "AHKSHUAHLEE"

How does this make any sense New Vegas fags?

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The pen is mightier than the sword

It doesn't. avellone is a hack but video games have shit writing by default so new vegas stands out as the greatest thing in the world to players.

Meanwhile in Fallout 1 you get the Master to kill himself and in Fallout 3 President Eden does too. Speech being OP is a Fallout staple.

You already completely halted the legion's advance on the dam at that point.
You confront the Legate outside his tent.

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If I remember correctly courier basically says even if you win the battle you would lose the war (something to that extent) which seems retarded since wouldn't Caesers army have some form of a logistics team that would be able to to get to that point first before a guy or girl with possible brain damage does

>West? Haven't you heard there is also a direction called the east?
>Gaaaahh?!? I gotta get out of here!


But the one who holds the sword, chooses who has the pen...

>uses power of speech
>this is all you get

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The ability to talk Lanius down itself isn't the problem, the problem was being able to do it by just having a maxed speech or barter skill. They should have taken notes from Fallout 1, where talking the Master down required you to have brought him hard proof that his plan was doomed to failure.

>don't beat the bad guy by being clever or observant
>beat him by pressing the [stat: high] button a few times in a row

The dialogue tree where you bluff him into believing you have another Graham-like trap set up is kino.

do people who post this thread even remember he has dialogue before the speech check

New Vegas fans only watched video essays about the game but few of them actually played it.

For one, Lanius is a glorified military nerd. Caesar points out that he's the brains of his operation, whereas Graham was just an unstoppable force of holy rage, but not particularly smart when it comes to the Art of War.
So the Courier just had to needle at his insecurities about the logistical nightmare that was Caesar's campaign against the NCR. The whole point of that speech check is getting Lanius to admit that he thinks Caesar is overplaying his hand militarily.
Note that if you follow up that speech check by mocking him for retreating, he ignores the entire conversation and resumes the battle, anyway. His ego doesn't let him concede defeat unless you're completely dispassionate about it.
And that's why New Vegas is amazing, and you're still a seething contrarian faggot.

This, talking with leigon soldiers who dont truly believe in the faction should've given you the evidence to take down the leigon's idealogy, which is essentially what the speech check is supposed to be, but instead its just "BRO I HAVE ALL THE KNOWLEDGE I CAN TELL YOU'LL FAIL JUST RETREAT" after like 10 boxes of dialouge. At least the master couldn't be talked down on moral grounds, lanius just immediately jobs mentally once you bring in the shit the burned man did, and you don't even need 100 speech for that

>not fighting lanius to the death everytime
>not doing it strictly in melee
you faggots don't even know the meaning of a good story

i thought caesar knew he was basically the only one who could maintain his empire and wanted his empire to fall when he died.

>completely halted the legion's advance
>legendary legion psychopath decides not to fight you because taking over NCR territory would be detrimental to his conquest plans even though killing you doesn't mean he has to try and take over the NCR right afterwards
shit's fuckin retarded

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>legendary legion psychopath
That's all propaganda, brainlet, The stories about Lanius's background are inconsistent (one says he was a Legionairre at 10, another says he was an adult male when the Legion conquered his tribe).
He's just a military genius that pumps iron.

Two words: Never viable

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what a fag
As if women are going to be equally strong and capable as men in a post apocalyptic setting
Wouldnt want any factions to reflect that

>That's all propaganda, brainlet
Then Lanius should never be let on the battlefield, ever. Why would you try and flex your reputation and then back down like a bitch? Now the mystery is broken and no one will respect the myth of his ferocity. SHIT'S FUCKIN RETARDED.