Did you enjoy it? I thought it was pretty interesting and fun

Did you enjoy it? I thought it was pretty interesting and fun.

Attached: Cruelty Squad.jpg (600x800, 145.97K)

Yes. GOTY 2021 for me.
>high replay value
>distinctive artstyle and music
>quotable dialogue
>unique setting and story
>open-ended gameplay, highly customizable
>large maps with many secrets and shortcuts
It's the ultimate filter for people who say graphics < artstyle If you truly mean that, you will love this game.

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I tried and refunded it, not my thing

My brother gifted it to me, I just don’t know if I can bring myself to play it with that art style. I respect what they’re doing, I applaud the unique vision, but just looking at it gives me a headache.

Buy it again. It’s your thing.

I thought it was great, though I never did catch all the fish or find every type of organ.
Stellar game.

Dogshit game with nonfunctioning AI.
>dude its SUPPOSED to be shit IRONICALLY
Ironically being dogshit is still being dogshit.

Attached: dogshit ai.webm (720x405, 2.92M)



One of the best games of the year, a wholly unique experience. Probably the best successor to Deus Ex 1 than anything that's followed

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This game looks horrible, emphasis on visually. I don't know if it is secretly good or whatever, but the graphics look like a nightmare in a bad way.

agreed, easily best Deus Ex since Deus Ex

You're the only person I've seen say this. Project your insecurities much?

This is actually very realistic

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Its fun going back to levels later with all your upgrades and optimizing it to be as fast as possible

It's amusing that you bitch about the A.I while showing a clip of someone who's got Power in Misery mode on, which you only get by dying multiple times in a row.

This is intentional, the game is set in a universe where replicator technology has allowed everyone to become functionally immortal, the consequence of the rapid proliferation of life and the end of death is that every conceivable good idea was quickly explored to its logical conclusion and exhausted, people are burned out on utopia.

Now horror and distaste are actively studied and pursued by greater society out of a sheer need for stimulation and this is reflected in everything down to the absolutely gaudy decor.

This is also why all the levels are replayable and why the titular organisation is named as such, all of your victims just respawn after you kill them and go on with their lives and death alone isn't an effective deterrant, the manner needs to be excessively cruel for the victims to care

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game rules and filters zoomers like no other.

Even the DNA scramblers which are designed to put a person permanently out of commission don't kill them.

It's basically nothing like Deus Ex. It has a 2 weapon limit, no dialogue options, stealth is hardly an option, etc.

Except thats literally how people defend cruelty squad. Alternatives include the classic "filtered" or just doing the ironybro thing where you say "kino"/"based" to proof of a broken game.

Attached: Good pathfinding.webm (720x405, 2.91M)

It has a good arc to it. From not knowing what the game even is to experimenting with S ranks, various loadouts, getting all the secret levels, getting dialogue from targets normally surrounded by guards. The final level is great and gives you something to gnaw on after already mastering the game with powerups.

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