Holy heckin’ HOOOYP

Holy heckin’ HOOOYP

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Ironic shilling is still shilling

Just sell some shit in burger king.

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As long as it's not funko poop it's fine.

the only reason there's a mini ranni in the game is to sell merch
that part makes literally 0 sense

They should sell a mini ranni in burger king.

>elden trannies asked for this

>advertising the suicidal bitch instead of ranni

Shes a funko pop now
Its funko melina

I wish the bastard sword was the loyce greatsword of elden ring.


Figures are cool. It's specifically Funko pops that are horrible and even they're just because they look god awful.

>here is your dlc bro

This will be a tough year for TORtanic trannies

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Rannifags BTFO

is this like a knockoff or a competitor to nendos?
never seen them before

I'd like a functioning real-steel rivers of blood that I can insert liquid into and when I swing it, the liquid falls out.

Why the fuck does everything have to be chibi?

at least they know their audience kek

Is marketable.

Less plastic and less detail

>Poor man's Nendoroids.

They ARE nendoroids (japanese funkos)

Waiting for the Ranni and Blaidd set

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