I don't get what the big deal is

I don't get what the big deal is
aside from the performance issues, it's just as janky as all the other early 3d sonic games
precision platforming is a gamble, wonky enemy hit detection, camera problems, all that shit existed in the adventure games
don't get me started on switching rails in sonic heroes
why is 06 considered so much worse?

Attached: sonic06.jpg (258x387, 99.5K)

Adventure 1 and 2 had issues but most of them were incredibly minor and didn’t completely imped the gameplay.

Attached: D43B8BDA-FE43-4307-AA70-F4AD4BF48D02.jpg (1024x622, 67.42K)

the truth is everyone just wants to laugh at a trainwreck
look at how much people love project 06, if sega gave the game more time and unfucked the game breaking glitches it would probably be remembered pretty fondly, not as much as the adventure games but certainly more than unleashed and heroes

still not as broken as Crash Twinsanity. At least 06 allows to skip cutscenes

The loading screens are their own cutscenes user

Sonic's story is a standard 3D Sonic game, it can be fun at times. Shadow can be fun too, but he has completely broken vehicle sections. Silver is absolute shit, good idea, but barely better than the vehicle sessions. All in all, it could have been decent if it had more time in the oven, around a 1.5 year, maybe.

>horrifically bad story shoved down your throat
>game can shit itself at a moment's notice and kill you
>forced vehicle sections that handle like absolute shit
>have to replay every level four times to get the real ending
>inexcusable load times

everything between Dusty Desert and Crisis City sucks ass (Silver fight, guess the captain mission, defeat every enemy at warehouse, White Acropolis)

>Crisis City, Flame Core, Iblis worm, Radical Train, Egg Genesis, Tropical Jungle, Wave Ocean as Tails
Iblis boss aside, i enjoy that section of Sonic' story

Project 06 proves that the game just needed time. Anyone who disagrees has had their brain fried by ecelebs and actually believe that Sonic never had a good 3D title despite never having played a single one.

>no Chao, Chaotix, Cream, Omochao or Big
>Tails' plane never appears
06 feels disconnected from rest of the series

alright I'll admit I only played sonic's story so far but I haven't really seen any game breaking glitches, or glitches at all really
not even falling through the floor

the Chaotix appear in the Shadow game. Chao and Cream are seen in Cryptic Castle. There is an unlockable Omochao gun, and Tails plane is seen at the start of Circus Park

>>precision platforming is a gamble, wonky enemy hit detection, camera problems, all that shit existed in the adventure games
its simply much worse in 06 due to the control. its the opposite issue of heroes where its to stiff instead of to slippery

the worst glitches i remember were just randomly falling through the floor during vehicle segments in shadow’s campaign

1. Awful art direction in style places, Eggman being the biggest issue.
2. Attempt at a serious story that falls on its face more times than it succeeded.
3. SEGA banked on it as the 15th anniversary title that carried the title of the franchise with no subtitle.
That combined with it being so buggy made it infamous.

honestly id rather have edgy serious stories im so burned out on this cartoony bullshit theyve been doing since unleashed

So you managed to do Sonic’s on rails sections with ZERO issues? Anyway I hope you enjoy billiards

06 had chao in space 3 posters.

Forget the edge. Go back to cheesy but enjoyable Saturday morning anime vibes adventure 1 and 2 had. It was sill but could still be serious

The glitches, worse story with less stand out moments (the stand out moments are really bad). Obviously rushed with the missions/overworld/humans. The camera angles are also really bad. The fan remkae is the only version that should be played and even then it doesn't save it.